Saturday, 7 February 2015

Latex Sex Doll Transformation Curse

Walled behind the inflation fetish, there is a curse you can receive from the aeromancer if she attacks you whilst you are being fucked by a sex doll.  Once inflicted by the curse, you will slowly turn into a living latex sex doll yourself.  There are 8 stages of the curse:

1: The curse has just begun, and it at work transforming your body!
2: Your weight slightly decreases and your maximum weight is changed to quite a low number.
3: Your orifices lose all their tightness and permanently gape; openness fixed at the maximum of 10.
4: Your orifices (or orifice and penis) go completely numb; you no longer gain orifice soreness but are also unable to feel pleasure or orgasm.  If able to get horny, this means you can be permanently horny with no way to satisfy yourself.
5: You no longer need to (or are able to) drink or pee.
6: Your body is permanently very lightweight which means you can stand for a long time but your attacks are very weak.   You no longer are affected by body soreness, but you can't just go provoking monsters who would otherwise not attack you because they will smack you to the ground and damage your latex body's integrity, and too much of this causes a puncture and instant fainting.  You no longer can have milk in your breasts.
7: You are no longer able to speak, and your "makeup" is permanently at maximum.
8: You lose your fingers, and are only able to carry one item at a time.  This makes several actions unavailable, including wearing and removing clothing and sex toys, searching, alchemy and so on.

The witch, as long as you've not made her hate you by messing with her, can help you remove the curse.  At the moment the quest to remove the curse isn't too challenging but this may change in the future.

A full on sex doll clearly has a completely different experience of the game than a human - they suffer very little in the way of penalties as long as they don't anger the otherwise friendly NPCs, but they will have a lot of trouble doing anything other than submitting to any monster that does want to use them, which could add up to a lot of wasted time.  Being a sex doll might allow you to explore the world without fear of fainting and since you can still open containers you could theoretically go around opening everything before going and changing back into a human and worrying a lot less about traps.  However in the future the time limit of the game will be a much more pressing consideration which should make this an interesting but not particularly optimal tactic.

Next release should be out some time on Monday.


  1. Sounds cool. But as you add more areas and content wouldn't it become necessary to adjust the time limit to take into account the extra areas? Its just a suggestion to consider in the future.

    1. No number in the game is immune from potential future balance changes!

  2. How does this curse interact with pregnancy or silicone implants ?

    1. Pregnancy pauses once you get to stage 4. Silicone still contributes to size but will stop being mentioned in the description.

  3. On stage 7 you lose the hability to speak will you ever had another way to comunicate? Like writting on paper or even on dirt if you are in the forest?

    And will there be a way to stop the curse while not becoming human?.....cuz I really like stage 3

    1. I can see myself locked at stage 4, yeah.

    2. Nope, that would be impossible to balance. The only reason stages 2 through 5 could be considered balanced are because they're temporary.

    3. Aww, oh well. Still looking forward to it.

  4. Definitely neat.

    Although yeah, a semi-sex doll TF that still has soreness/drinking/fingers/not-a-blow-up-doll would be nice, but balance has to be considered I suppose... is becoming a mannequin-type possible? Artificial enhancements has to lead somewhere, surely. Although last I read over that was the plastic mask or something that is locked behind dungeon 3.

    1. Nice idea, locked behind artificial enhancements, and triggers when a Demoness catches you while a Mannequin is pinning you down.

      Hmm, are commissioned requests still closed?

    2. Likely closed for good considering patreon is consistently earning the DOSH. At least aika will have less distractions and we might actually see dungeon 3 this year. Or at least, a lot of blog posts of exciting and erotic things we won't get to see until the hotel is done.

  5. So, is there any way to replenish your latex integrity, or is damage permanent?

    1. Damage is permanent but only happens by attacking an NPC that doesn't want to fight (has no reason to want to use a sex doll).

  6. "However in the future the time limit of the game will be a much more pressing consideration which should make this an interesting but not particularly optimal tactic."
    *Sigh* are you sure about this?
    The way I see it time limit would make the game too inflexible to be fun.
    Seeing how a lot of things happen at random time, and some things may not happen at all, I believe that being able to deviate from the current plan is crucial to the game (which happens with a lot of rouge-likes).

    A number of factors in game are already pitting time against the player. Some things DO invariably get worse for the player as the game progress. But these factors are flexible - there are strategies that avoid, evade, counter, delay or ignore these changes. All of them require different approach and different time spent.

    It would be simply impossible to balance all of that along with an inflexible time limit.

    There are options and strategies that give you a quick start in one aspect but require time and effort to deal with other aspects. (encased, trapped)

    There are options that give you a starting advantage but eventually cost you dearly in the long run. (proportions)

    There are options that start you with extra problems or ones that start you normally, but speed up the arrival of problems...

    And then there are strategies that deal with the above and/or rely on the above.

    In other words the game is not designed to fit well into a single fixed time frame. There are too many ways to go about all this that do not conform to a single universal schedule.

    IMHO it would be better to keep the time limit away from the actual game. TBH I don't think it should even matter for the endings. The range of slow and fast "strategies" in the game is to wide to properly interact with a time limit.

    Speaking of time have you considered implementing an in-game time tracker? There's a number of time-based events in the game (altar, throne, trap reset, question CD, thirst, etc.) and aside from doing the counting in the head there's no way to track the in-game time.

    Dunno, may be they weren't meant to be tracked, but they CAN be tracked, and now it's just a question of how inconvenient the process is. If you don't want it to be traceable just add a small random timer deviation to them. If you do want them to be traceable then maybe it's worth doing something about the current inconvenience of the process. Even a simple timer that can give you a "seconds since start" count on request would really do the trick.

    1. Seconds since start are tracked but the player doesn't get to see the exact figure just an estimate that gets more detailed with intelligence. The game uses this number to determine all time based things like soreness decay and thirst.

      The main purposes of the time limit are to prevent grinding ever being the best strategy and provide a way for the game to actually end with loss after a few hours of real life playing the game. If I and/or the community can come up with vastly superior ways of dealing with these issues then I could potentially remove the time limit element of the game.

    2. I think the time limit is fine, but we need ways to obtain extensions in-game.

      As anon said, different playstyles can take more time, and unless the slow ones get 'buffed', they'll always be the worst choices... unless they come with bonus time, then they become valid builds once again.
      To balance the extra time properly, you will definitely need some feedback, but eventually players will have the choice between more aggressive builds and more turtling ones.

      If you want to prevent grinding as a valid path, I suggest the time extensions getting nerfed depending current stats - high stats wouldn't give much time at all, making turtling nonviable (as in, players would finish the game with little cash reward left if any).
      Low stats would grant significantly more time, for people aiming at specific bimbo builds instead of turning into a munchkin.

      What do you think ?

    3. I believe that if it's your game you can do as you please with it...but a "time limit" option on the first screen before selecting a character could be a possibility, no? The starting dialogue with the bimbo dolls could have a slight change in explaining the game. With no time limit, they could simply say how much you can change before they make you work for them or something. You have X amount of faints available or a certain action causes you to lose if you ever want to end the game.

      I do agree with anon; having no time limit and do as we please in the world you created is amazing and has tons of replay value. Putting a time limit could be overwhelming for some.

      Please keep working on this, really amazing game. :)

    4. Was a blog post of 15 minutes ago, but I'm less likely to start a flamewar here than in the forum.

      Time/Reward could increase slightly with each sluttification/TF event performed, with a gradual decline in value when size is already "sufficient" for use. Give the player character semi-reasonable choice to want to stay longer if it means more reward money. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to males. The idea is a player won't be out-right fucked if something slightly grows or you get caught in a bad situation early, and if you never get affected then it's not as though you're missing out on money, since reducing TFs would still (assumably) cost more than the offset reward. At least towards women, giving an incentive to be sexier would ease the stress.

      The really heavy alternative, throw out the devolving cash and pin it solely to time using greed as the player incentive, the sluttier/more TF'd you are, the more bonus money upon victory. It's all in the name of beta testing after all, more things tested the better it will be. Surely a complete slut would cost too much to undo, so past a certain point it becomes irreversible perhaps or whatever, it would let a player experience some content while also having the freedom to enjoy slightly larger breasts 'just because' without worrying "oh shit all this extra weight is worth nothing"

      -insert incomplete thought that aika should magically fix the game so grinding isn't an issue-

    5. Thanks for all your suggestions, I'll think about it over the next few months :)

    6. reading these ideas it would be maybe feasable to implement a game mode (time devaluing reward, reward for sluttiness, infinite mode, lives, ect) setting with the initial options. It would probably be something to think about as the game reaches a more finished state though.

    7. Yeah, the game will inevitably go through heavy modification in the future, on top of the constant overhauls of existing mechanics. It's nowhere near done and there's even a very small chance aika will switch to a stratum(5 levels of a single zone) system instead of level system. But that would only occur if content extremely greatly out-weighs level size.

      Getting to the point, multiple gamemodes will provably become the most likely option, it's getting the beginnings of CoC-syndrome in which there's so much fucking content you have to go out of your way just to see it. Although class-specific content doesn't quite exist yet of course, but the maid/royal slave has been hinted too.

      Not doing much but agreeing with your opinion instead of criticism, multiple gamemodes will fill the player niche since a lot of people just want to go around slutting themselves out for fun, and the game/player character's own mentality limits creativity towards this.

  7. Have you gotten in any of the images from the crowdsourcing into the game yet? Can't wait until there's males images in the game

  8. Cant really say I like this change. Feels like just another thing to annoy\waste your time.

    Though finally aeromancers dont naturally spawn in the dungeon (they can be created by a trap though) it is mostly a perk\fetish problem but it just makes people go away from the fetishes that really disrupt gameplay.

    Doesn't affect me much in the end since I never allow that fetish but I can see how it might annoy other players.

    1. >Feels like just another thing to annoy\waste your time

      Well what can I say, one slut's fetish is another's annoyance. This is why things are walled behind fetish options.

    2. As long as air inflation actually adds a point or two now I don't particarly mind, since I might even be able to get off on it, ignoring the blow-up doll half, inanimatization is erotic on it's own terms.

  9. Throwing my hat in the time limit debate: I'm not really a fan.

    I understand the premise as a sort of "high score" metric for beating the game in a certain way relative to others if people shared such things elsewhere, but RNG and time limits tend not to mix by virtue of unpredictability, or worse, save scumming. Lore-wise, the character should probably always be wanting to get out ASAP even if the player at the helm is a sadistic bastard who controls them otherwise. So, in the end, it's really up to us.

    My suggestion is to put the time limit among the fetish options. While this could naturally vary as the game grows, choosing the limit should reward the player with added stat choice options. In fact, not choosing it could eliminate the prize pool entirely, eliminating a skewed concept of "high score" and thus just making it a matter of winning.

    For those who do choose to take the limit, I'm also for ways to extend it. Each boss should drop both a recipe and a craft component one could use to make... let's call it a Temporal Potion. This can even have a BUC status where the blessed version offers the most time, while the cursed actually subtracts. This'll make Int a more important stat in timed games since, at the very least, you'd want to avoid cursed versions.

    Additionally, taking on a titled transformation for the first time could award a bonus depending on how difficult getting that particular one is. Something like the Silicone Queen or Cowgirl probably shouldn't be too rewarding, but things like Virgin Warrior are arguably much more difficult to get (and maintain). This can also have an effect on how one plans a timed run, even introducing a sort of meta where some might try to pick up multiple classes before settling on their endgame.

    Lastly, a blessed Golden Chalice could have a chance to bestow more time when drinking an uncursed drink. This probably shouldn't be 100% reliable, but enough to maybe squeak a victory from the jaws of defeat.

    Either way, I'm more keen to casually enjoy the game over a few hours when I do sit down to play and try for something specific. Going about that then realizing about 2 hours in I simply can not finish in time is one of those more apt to make me never want to play again. So, better to think of the limit as Hard Mode.

  10. One could always make the elimination / extension of the time limit be worth fetish points (thats what I call them) much like changing max breast size and the like

  11. in agreement with others in favor of making it be a thing, maybe make it the first multiplier option? as in, when you select it, it halves your total points. since removing the time limit ( theme = "i don't care what i end up looking like, i just want to make it out of here") in exchange for a severely limited start, stat wise, doesn't really matter with the ability to grind stats possibly forever.

    1. edit: "... making it be a point thing"

    2. "forever" isn't going to happen.

      The game HAS a mechanic that punishes time extension. It's exactly the one that adds the things you supposedly use the money to reverse in the end.

      Traps are random, and even good stats will not save you from them - the longer you stick around the game the longer they get to ruin your state. Furthermore the "real" body moves towards any alterations for as long as you keep running around with them.


      Quick run - explored the first floor, took some stuff along the way triggered enough traps to gain "extra proportions" to about half way, gained some stats, got up, fainted there.

      Results - barely any permanent proportions, barely any mental load, some stats, some equipment.

      Slow grind - combed the first floor throughout, took everything that isn't nailed down to the wardrobe "just in case", went over a floor worth of traps, most of them multiple times, drained all the tanks, emptied the whole floor of enemies, got boatload of stat increases, got extra weight to the limit, hung around long enough to make it stick. Went up, fainted there.

      Results - PERMANET disadvantage of being at max weight, heavy mental load, stats are high but they don't save you from the handicaps (especially if we're talking huge proportions here) and you've got a wardrobe's worth of junk you have little use for.

      Few more runs of the fast method and it'll catch up in stats and equipment while still being ahead in extra weight and mental load. Unless it achieves it's goal before that.

      And btw, it's not a question about caring how you get out, it's about being carefull VS wasting time and being fast VS being reckless. IMHO the best option is to balance those things against each-other, and not against an artificial limit. And like I said, most of the time delaying comes with it's own costs.

      And now I wonder of anyone will read this... oh well... whatever...

  12. It sounds like the doll transformation would actually cut the range of conditional circumstances you experience inflation under in half. Will new situations actually be added specifically for it? Being overinflated and popping seems like it should be a constant threat rather than less of a threat.

  13. This is going to be a pretty rare curse with aeromancers not spawning naturally in the dungeon with sex dolls as of new releases. Or will that be switched back?

  14. This strikes me as fun. I would have liked to see it as an add-on to current classes, even if merely cosmetic.
    That is, a maid/princess/cowgirl/whatever-themed blow up doll.

  15. I actually like the time limit mechanic. It actually adds time management being a factor which makes he player carefully plan his/her moves. There is also a sense of urgency as well to keep you on your toes. Don't make it a mindless grindfest like CoC. If anything you could add time extensions similar to how Flexible Survival [another time management game] handled it. Or simply create another mode that is separate from the intended default so people can do whatever without a time limit existing.

    1. There IS urgency. See above, but in short - wasting moves only gives the advantage to "the game" regardless of whether you take a fast or slow approach. Being slow is not the same as wasting time.

      CoC doesn't burden the player with anything 99.99% of the time. You can't just wonder around the TC infinitely - time itself will not get you, but, given enough time, "the game" will. The advantage of leaving it that way is that the game's current deterring mechanics are flexible in terms of balance and strategy, while a time limit, even with way to alter it, will never get even close to this flexibility.

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  17. I for one like the idea of become a doll in the game and wish the player could do more as a doll.
    I would also like to see larger levels and more levels with better character pictures.
