Monday, 6 April 2015

We've moved!

Come join us as!

So yeah, the new website is ready! See you on the other side.


  1. AWWW YEAHHHHH! Nice new shiny site!

  2. I mean, this is cool, but I usually watch this website using an RSS feed from Blogspot, and the new website just has nothing of the kind. If you stop using Blogspot, I will have no way to really know when you update, or to keep up with news at all. It would then be the only game of this kind that I can't stay up to date with without a hassle.

    1. If you check the nav bar (hit menu in the top right) and look at the bottom, there is indeed an RSS feed. :-)

  3. Will this blog stay up or will you eventually be taking it down?

    1. Seconding that question.

    2. Well, this will be the end of anonymous-arguments to the least, to which I kinda preferred them that way. I'm not the most like-able person what with all my opinions. Usernames tend to bring higher levels of drama after all. This I know specifically, considering I post on both the blog and dev thread.

    3. This blog will stay up purely as a historical archive for as long as Google lets it stay up.

    4. Also, anonymous comments will be a thing on the new site, too.
      They will have to be approved by a moderator, but I think we'll get enough people that it won't take more than a few hours. =^-^=

  4. Sweet! :)

    Looks good but bookmarked as I can't really look around a NSFW web at the moment. Congrats, Aika! Real happy for you and all, serious.

  5. Don't really like the huge new NSFW image right at the front of the site. Not that I'm actually looking at this site in public or anything, but I just think a more simple design like this current blog has is nice.

    1. I agree to an extent. My suggestion would be maybe an option to toggle the background banner right on the page.

    2. Yeah, I'm sad to say I adblocked it. Mix of my inner artist wanting to critique, a touch of squick in not being a fan of the left half of the image, a dash of less being more (in this case, favoring text over pics), and finally just the new site layout itself is kinda bleh (hidden menus aren't my bag).

      So, while I understand it's kind of a work in progress and all quickly put together for fear of the Google-hammer, at a time, I suppose I'd like to feel some feedback is better than none since I can't immediately find where to leave it on the site itself.

  6. The new site won't load for me.
