Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Creating a Website

Hi guys

A few days back Google announced that they would be deleting all NSFW blogs from blogger in a month so I set to work creating my own website, which is why there's no content updates.

I've now learned that Google have reverted their policy back to being NSFW friendly but since the site is party to completion I feel compelled to get it up and running so that I haven't wasted lots of time :P

Sorry for the delay and normal progress will resume shortly.


  1. Neat! Are you going to switch to just using this new website once it's up or are you going to keep this blog as well?

  2. I wonder, what You have chosen.
    I am sure, it has an rss feed.

    .nyan~ :3

  3. Unfortunately, these days I trust Google about as far as I can throw them.
    -- an ex-Google employee.

  4. Google has made enough noise about this kind of thing enough that it's probably wise to move on. Sure ,they backed down this time, but they'll get up to more crap at a later date.

  5. Heard about this on the blog of the Tales of the Drunken Cowboy creator, was worried what would happen here. Own website sounds great, excited to see it :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Looks like my comment earlier didn't come through, so:

    I have a VM on my main host for hosting small projects. If you need a place to host your site, I'll be happy to help.

    Also, own engine or an existing one?

    1. Also blogger is horrible as a platform anyway. Buggy as hell, and it looks like it's not actively supported anymore. :(

    2. Thanks for the offer but for now I'm just going to piggyback it on top of the VPS that my hentai forum runs off.

  8. I for one support our new website overlords! :P

    Can't wait to see it ^.^
