Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Hotfix - Release 6 Version 2.6b Changelist

* Royal Guard flavour text no longer leaking to other monsters and I have no idea why.  I literally just tried changing things for a few hours and eventually it stopped doing this super weird glitch.  Huh.
* Hair length no longer causing error message every turn at length 3 and up
* Intelligent monsters were not properly getting delayed for a turn upon the player performing a submissive action
* Kneeing and kicking and falling over should no longer be considered a submissive move by monsters
* Minotaur can properly react to tentacle monster.
* Tentacle monster can properly become unfriendly again

Thanks for your patience guys and apologies for the buggy release.

Keep up the bug reports, I'm sure there's several more.


  1. The shopkeeper and witch are still following me around after I go by their locations.

    1. Happened to me too. In general, everybody seemed to follow me, even if they weren't hostile. With NPCs like shopkeeper and witch, that was the weirdest, neither were hostile, so there was no reason for them not to remain stationary.

  2. Also, whomever added the cum dump image to the wiki - don't do that, because the wiki people will take down the wiki if they find explicit images.

    1. Well, I was kind of surprised to see an image, especially that one suddenly there, but I didn't want to be the party crasher, so I left it there.

      To me, it was slightly more annoying that he didn't use a template.
      Still less work than creating an entirely new page, though. =^-^=

      PS: I forgot that wikispaces became educational and all that. I'll remove the picture now. I don't want the wiki going down sooner than necessary. =^-^=

  3. the drawn image doesn't load if you restore from a save.

    1. Have your tried typing : map : ?
      I know for certain that, before, it used to refresh the real images on the side.

    2. It requires a character update (body size change or hair growth) to redisplay.

  4. Out of curiosity... What is the interval between donators receiving the new version's link, and the one being put on public download ?

    1 week or something, for Public, after last bug fix ?
    And, a few days for Donators ? Just trying to guess.

    1. Aika has to give you a "donators unlock" file and you just download the public file and open the "Donators Unlock" to unlock the undo command.

    2. Answering the original question: The updates are simultaneous. Donators use the same file as everyone else. As the anon above me noted, donators also have a separate file used for unlocking purposes.

  5. Will the drawn images eventually become available to everyone once they're complete? Or will they always be donor-only?

    1. When the drawings are all complete it will become available to everyone.

  6. Twice now I've gotten to the lake monster and the game came to a screeching stop at "press enter to continue." Neither space nor enter nor anything would make it go past that screen and I pretty much had to start all over.

    1. As it says on the download page, if you are having problems with this then set "automatic continue" to "always"

    2. This is a really weird problem, though. How are you currently looking for the Enter key?

      For instance, doing it like this would not have this problem:

      Include (-
      [ DetectKeys key;
      key = VM_KeyChar();
      return key;

      To decide what number is Key Pressed:
      (- DetectKeys() -).

      To wait for the enter key:
      let key be key pressed;
      while key is not (uhhh I forget, I think 13 was the enter key?):
      let key be key pressed;

      VM_KeyChar() will return the first key pressed, and the above assures it will keep searching until Enter Key is pressed. You can also do it for "any key", or even include other keys such as space. Ether way, it will not lock up ever in any of the interpreters I've tried (WinGit, WinGlulx, Gargoyle) and calling VM_KeyChar should be safe - considering even Emily Short uses it on the default extensions.

    3. Sorry, it appears google has butchered the tabs:


    4. The thing is that I noticed it only breaks sometimes, which is either when I scroll up then back down or use space to scroll down (pretty sure it's the latter since space works fine when doing new game).

      Not sure why scrolling up would cause it to break but hopefully that info can help you fix it, unless it's just a Gargoyle bug.

  7. Two things I noticed which I never had before:

    1. When my makeup level increased or my hair colour changed, my facial picture would sometimes not change. No idea how that happened D: Unfortunately didn't pay attention to when exactly it happened or at what stages.

    2. I had ejaculate in my stomach, rested on a stool, then mid-rest, ejaculate burst out and my ass soreness was high enough for me to faint after that. I find myself back in the royal chambers, but I continue to rest! Thus, I automatically knelt for like 10 turns in the pink smoke and went from A cup to C cup or something, in an instant.

  8. So, I'm stupid, how do you win? I've killed the minotaur and moving my way through the forest, but I don't see a clear answer to "winning". Are we just supposed to go until we'd have 0 intelligence or something? Apologies if the answer is somewhere on the blog and I've missed it. Thanks for your great work, Aika! The game is pretty fun. Big fan of roguelikes, but I prefer DCSS to NetHack. Still an enjoyable romp though.

    1. There are no winning conditions at the moment. Play until you reach a desired target.
      Then find a new target and play again !

    2. Thanks for the heads up! Kinda depressing, but Aika is Aika and updates will come with more ideas later. Good thing I made a save of being happy with where I was...

    3. Just remember that saves are not compatible across different versions...

    4. If you need a goal, killing both the minotaur and the vine boss would be the most plausible win state. After that, you can try to craft and collect the best items, which takes a lot longer. After that, you can spend your days brewing a tentacle monster army 'til the next update.

      That's pretty much how I play.

    5. Minotaur and tentacle monster and witch are probably the toughest enemies all in different ways.

    6. Excellent. @Yorekani, I sorta figured, it's the same with most games, and it's basically a roguelike without permadeath, which I'm more than okay with.

      @Anon, yeah, I think those will be my goals, and try to craft things for once. I think my next build is going to ignore strength and just have int and dex because I want to see if I can be smart enough to detect traps. I've pretty much ignored every chest/crate/sack once I got good enough items because they're no point in taking the risk.

      @Aika, I've read that the Witch is on par with the Minotaur and Vine monster, but I've never really seen a reason to attack her, so I left her alone. Would be interesting to try and get all 3 in one run. Thanks for the updates!

      One more question, does the inflation fetish trigger the ability to be turned into a sex doll? Because that's what I'm slowly becoming but I didn't know if it was because of the fetish or because I just RNG'd into it this time around.

    7. Yeah, air inflation enables the Sex Doll TF, but once you faint, that TF resets, it's not permanent.

    8. Defeating the witch lets you use her altar with impunity - although, you want good stats to deal with her to begin with so it could be moot.

      If you learnt the shopkeeper's skill, you can force her to bless a lot of your equipment in one go AND she'll teleport away so you can still use her altar freely after that. Be wary of the rematches.

      Just remember to deal with most of the other mobs before you start fighting her.

  9. Sadly, with this version I started getting the "The shopkeeper follow me around after I go by their locations." The previous version worked ok for me (luckily I didn't delete it).
    One bug I get in both versions is the one where you can't grow your boobs to GG size, only to G, but the game recognizes that that's not the max size so it keeps trying (and failing) to grow them to GG.

  10. I put an unworn pair of 3 inch boots on the altar. it said it de-cursed them. put them on and was still cursed with posture training. and the shopkeeper followed me, i didn't even say hello, either. (b version)

    1. Posture training items will curse themselves when you put them on, functioning as intended. Shopkeeper bug is already well known.

    2. For all of these items you need to wear them while placing them on the altar - that way their BUC increases for real.

      Although, posture training items uncurse themselves after you level up your heel skill once while wearing them, so they're hardly a priority BUC-wise.

  11. How do you become the royal slave? I couldn't figure this one out.

    1. Find a way to boost your milk production without too much boob growth - both milk-related dart traps are your friends. Make sure you don't get any other headgear and just explore while leaking all your milk around. Eventually the circlet will spawn.
      Then you'll have to remove most of your clothing to spawn the basque - I think you can't have any bras, corsets, skirts or underwear for it to appear.

    2. You are my new hero :)
