Friday 18 April 2014

Fuck yes dissertation over

Just handed in my final piece of coursework ever, hooray! Giving myself a few days off then I will be back on it. There will be a bit of a slowdown in a month for a few weeks for my finals but it's all downhill from here! <3


  1. Have a pat on the back to go with it. :)

  2. Congrats!
    Hope you get a great result from it and good to hear you're enthusiasm.

  3. Congratulations! Chill and celebrate for a while!

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Awesome, so excited to hear you are coming back. Hoping that you do amazing on your finals.

  6. right on! congrats

  7. Congratulations!

  8. congrats hope you do well on your finals in the end of may/ early June I think that's when finals are usually right?

  9. s-so when c-can we get debug and purlion back aika?
    w-why did you disable it aika?
    do you not love us anymore?

  10. Huzzah and congratulations!

  11. Congrats bro!

  12. Nice dude, I'm sure you'll be able to do what you want with your degree.

  13. Sup! Just found the game recently ^_^ love it, just wanted to say thank you and gratz.

    Sorry for putting a request here (though never made a glulxe game), looks like most if not all the code required is already in the game.

    Any chance you could put in alternativ way for character to obtain female naughty bits (without remove male parts)?

    basically herm fetish (example, bimbo score + dignity rating -> female parts on faint)

    Thanks for a great game

    1. I think it would be good if the virility potion also affected your 'real life' penis. In my experience, it would still be rare not to just end up losing it anyway; and is one of the main ways of having actual variety on the outcome of the game (as it stands now anyway). If it still worked after getting a vagina, you could go herm I guess.

    2. Iirc, aika stated once already that the point of the game is to "sissify" you as male and that it's intended that you're never able to grow your penis back. Then again, I could have a faulty memory or aika could have changed his/her mind. I don't know how Inform works any more than you do, but adding a whole new "gender" does complicate matters. Especially if aika didn't plan to include one already since the existing code will build upon the fact that you're either male or female.

    3. Makes sense, though as I understand it: you're more a sissy if you have a penis. I'm mostly concerned about replayability and variety. The more I think about, the more I would like it if pretty much everything was reversable (except vagina replacing penis), though with the odds stacked rather against it (as they are currently I think). After playing a certain amount of times, what once seemed chaotic seems more like simple inevitability to me - and less interesting because of it.

    4. well, don't need to make a new gender, can still count as female gender, just without removing the penis descriptors/item

    5. With "sissify" I was quoting the game (when you choose gender). I did, in fact, mean full "transformation" to female. Regarding not needing a new gender: As I said, that would probably only be possible if aika planned for futas already. Since you have to transform into a female by fainting it's pretty much "either penis or vagina" at this point. This means that it'll require some extra work no matter how you look at it.

  14. Love the game but I have a recommendation. The witch, vine monster, and lake monster are very similar to each other, with the tentacles and all. May I suggest the witch summons a strapon or a magic cock that she fucks you with, she can make it grow bigger as she is fucking you and have in magically splooge inflating your stomach, tits, or ass.

  15. You kick ass Aika. For a full year now you and your game have kept me entertained, surprised, and horny. Although i do not know you, i offer you heartfelt congratulations on completing your dissertation! May similar success follow you in all you do, the exact opposite way that luck seems to follow me in trapquest.

  16. Looking forward to the next update once you have a well-earned break!

  17. Hello, your image system inspired me to do a minimalist game here :

    It's still fresh but i keep adding new contents :D

    You did my favourite TF game !

  18. Hi, I was just wondering, is there a way to get my hands on your source text? I am new to AIF and would love to use trapquest to learn more...

    1. I know you can get Bimbo Mall Battle source code if you go to the

  19. I wonder if a "Sissy Dress" could be a thing. Like, it gives you the title of "Sissy Baby", particular to watersports fetish. If you wear a pee enough times while crawling, it spawns a sissy bonnet, which eventually gives a the sissy dress, cursed on you and decreases mental state and stuff. It'll also make you pee yourself the moment you need to go so you can't hold it. That's a huge fetish of mine and I kinda wanted to see something like it, it's like infantilism.

    1. this idea is awesome. probably gonna have to donate to get it in though.

  20. just wanted to say your awesome and so is the game. i love the game. i recently just found it and im so glad i did.

  21. So I've been rooting around in the game, trying to get impregnated by as many of the creatures as possible. However, the minotaur is definitely an ass man. I tried the (perhaps cliche) approach of the cowgirl outfit. Has anybody had success at being impregnated by the minotaur, and if so, what's the sure fire formula to getting that rough monster of a man to use the right hole for procreation? I totally wanna have his babies!

    1. My sure fire way to get the Minotaur to impreg me is to have max out ass/hips. As long as I have a gluteus assimus the Minotaur always go's for the baby maker.

    2. I don't want to spoil your fun guys, but actually... aika already said that the "preferences" whether an NPC likes ass or pussy more is actually set when creating the dungeon. That said, I'm not sure if those are dependent on your stats during subsequent dungeon resets.

    3. Thanks to Anon there! I went ahead and took that advice and worked on maxing out my hip size. When the minotaur couldn't fit, he switched to the pussy and impregnated me. Yorekani, that's certainly a possibility, but from my limited experience, I've never seen the minotaur go for the pussy first.

    4. It's not a possibility, it's a game mechanic. That said, it doesn't mean that the monsters can't have "preferences". E.g. the minotaur could have a high likelihood of targetting the ass (even 100%). Stuff like that can only be said for sure by code monkeys or aika though. I simply stated that you can't change "preferences" during a dungeon run. Making the preferred option "unavailable" is just a way around the issue. (If it isn't actually intended that the minotaur always targets the ass. It might be.)

    5. ah I didn't know about preferences when I said that the Minotaur always went to impreg after getting a max ass/hips. However so far in the 5 times I played the game with the intention of getting knocked up by the Mino I got him to go for the womb by maxing ass/hips.

    6. One time I tried, he went for the back entry, I used 'undo' and moved one room away and he filled the baby oven (and the whole bakery).

      So there is definitely some random leeway.

  22. As we're coming up on three months since the last update, any hints on when the next one might be coming out?

    1. well since they post you are responding to said there would be a slowdown around this time for a few weeks while Aika studies for finals I would expect probably not for awhile

  23. You know...about the game. I think it would be kind of a cool thing to add different sized hip pictures. Also, giving some form of defense when you are down on your knees....or more places to rest etc. That game is very hard even when your being incredibly careful.

    1. Just gotta hope no monsters are nearby when you rest. You've got more chance of noticing them while resting the less injured you are (so resting more often is usually safer). Aside from that, underwear is probably the best defence you've got.

    2. Noticing a monster while resting is determined by your Intelligence. I took the formula from the wiki: (On the Intelligence page)
      "If the intelligence of the player is lower than a random number between 5 and (the body soreness of the player + 6), then the player continues to rest and cannot act for another round."

      Regarding hip pictures, you can toggle those. It's because some people might not like seeing images that are this explicit. (And yes, I know, they basically show "asses of varying sizes", but "ass size" and "hip size" are the same thing in this game, just saying)

      Regarding more defence: No, I'm not sure if aika already said it him/herself, but you are supposed to be defenceless once you're on the ground. It's youre cue to scram, if still possible. Otherwise, have fun being raped. In short, "That game is very hard even when (sic) your being incredibly careful." is exactly how this game is intended to be.

    3. No....I understand when your down on your knees it's fair game, but most of the time when a monster grabs you and starts fking you, you can't do ANYTHING about it, no matter your strength, intelligence etc. Resist does nothing, mercy and beg hardly do anything, you can't can't stand up, you can't click and try to get away, you are just perma-stuck until they are done with you. --- AND if you are too sore to stand or your legs give out, you can't climb stairs or check things, or do ANYTHING. And finding places to rest is fine and dandy but if you are too sore --- and you have a ton of monsters to go through, you are fked (literally).

      I'm not complaining. I really like the game --- more options would be nice though, maybe even choosing what NPC face you start with etc....or making it random.

    4. "resist" decreases humiliation gain, but increases soreness gain (compared to "wait"). "mercy" is a skill which works against guards, they will be more gentle with you. Read: less soreness. Trying to stand up gets interpreted as "resist" if I recall correctly. I don't know about you, but I hardly managed to get gangbanged as hard as you make it sound. Sure, resting without interruption is certainly a luxury, but actual sexual intercourse is rather quick in comparison. Clever use of the map is probably a good idea if you want to shake enemies off. (The more exits a room has, the less likely is their success pursuit) If you are on the ground and can't hope to get up again, you should automatically faint. Since determining this exact point is hard, I'm not sure if all cases can be considered. Even if all the bases are covered, resting, especially without furniture (bench/stool), can take a long time. If you're not particularly keen on that part of the game, just type "faint" and you will force the PC to faint on the spot. Hope this helps you to get a more... pleasurable experience out of this game. =^-^=

  24. Say Aika, cann tell us please, what your current status of development is?

  25. There might be a bug with the unlucky preset that makes every pregnancy result in sex dolls.

  26. Figured I'd report the bug where the Minotaur can't attack you in the shop (He just kind of ignores you, letting you do what you want. Can rest (though the rest command simply interrupts you, you have to wait manually.), or masturbate, or shop. or even attack him, and he won't hit back. Shopkeeper will always use you before the Minotaur, if you steal from him, and the Minotaur just kind

  27. Ok now I'm getting a bit worried, it's been over a month since we last got an update.

    I'm sure Aika-san is probably on vacations or world trip or sumtin, but im still pretty nervous about this hiatus.

  28. Almost exactly a month ago this was posted, saying that there'd be a slowdown in a month for a couple weeks because of Aika's finals. Nothing to worry about.

  29. No posts on the forums from Aika for nearly three weeks either. Last one before that was seven weeks ago (with this post in between).

    1. Chill chill I've just had no good news to share, I still haven't been able to isolate the freezing bug, but my final exam is today, so that's something 8-)

    2. Godspeed.

    3. Good luck!

    4. Congrats on wrapping up your finals!

      Have you been able to replicate the freezing bug or are you having issues even seeing the issue? If it's the latter and you need help with more details please let us know what we can do.

    5. Yay Aika's not dead!

  30. good luck and i hope you get a chance to relax those things are damn stressful
