Tuesday 27 January 2015

A Quick Release 6 Version 1.6


  • Fixed issue where wooden horse didn't stop you walking and leaving the zone.
  • Fixed issue where wooden horse ran out of options without letting you off.
  • Fixed issue where game warped you to nearest wooden horse trap when going up to the woods (left over from debugging accidentally)
  • Aeromancer in dungeon removed unless inflation fetish is enabled.
  • Fixed issue where the minotaur turned permanently friendly if you have his baby inside you instead of temporarily friendly.
  • Witch no longer accepts non-jewels and gives you more slightly uses overall for your jewellery.

Monday 26 January 2015

Trap Quest Release 6 Version 1.5


  • Fixed pregnancy rolls being shown to player.
  • Fixed issue that meant Gender Bender shirt could be warped to wardrobe from store.
  • Fixed issue where permanently flat chested girls were still getting set to AA at game startup because they were female.
  • First four decreases in max breast size now drop 2 sizes, so it only take 6 points not 10 to get to flat chest.
  • Fixed issue where presenting asshole instead presented vagina (derp copy paste mistake).
  • Fixed issue where nothing happened except time moving forward if eating mushroom in Woods Boss Area.
  • Fixed issue where mushroom was not removed from inventory after eating.
  • Fixed issue where semen addiction was not used as a positive stat for learning to deepthroat, only sex addiction.
  • Fixed issue where only drinking urine was humiliating the player, not all instances of being urinated on.
  • You can now catch urine in an open topped vessel when being urinated on and not drinking it.
  • Peeing into a container is now humiliating.
  • Experimental: Peeing into a container now requires you to have a certain level of humiliation already.
  • Experimental: Presenting low orifices when not horny and not yet a huge bimbo requires you to have a certain level of humiliation already.
  • Fixed bug with shopkeeper giving you plug panties when you have inserted sex toys.  Also revamped this interaction a bit - now there is only a 40% chance of the panties he gives you being cursed rather than 100%.
  • Increased the likelihood of fake nails scene, and decreased minimum silicone required.
  • New wooden horse trap, see previous blog post.
  • Cheerleader outfits now spawns instead of schoolgirl with D cup and larger breasts instead of C cup and larger breasts.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Wooden Horse Trap

Firstly I just want to say thank you all for your continued support, especially the people who have already pledged to support me on Patreon!  It's quite humbling to see how many people are so eager for this project to continue, I never imagined it would get this big when I started.  And who knows maybe one day with Patreon I'll be earning a 10th of what the Breeding Season team are earning right now and not even need a "real" job any more!  Well, one can dream...  Anyway without further ado..

The wooden horse trap is currently found in the Woods as a rare encounter but this may change.  When triggered you are forced onto a classic "wooden horse" torture device shaped like an actual horse.  The player will gain orifice soreness every turn and stands a decent chance of fainting every turn they are at maximum orifice soreness.  At the moment the only way to get yourself off is to keep pressing what appear to be the controls of the device - six buttons that look like they might do something.  One of them lets you off (either gracefully or not so gracefully, this is also at random) and the rest of them do something you probably aren't too keen on happening.  When you tell them to the player will press a button they haven't pressed yet at random.  I'll leave you to discover what all five of the other buttons do, but what I will mention as I'm sure some plastic lovers will be very eager to know is that one of the options will put the fake nails on you if there's enough silicone in your breasts and the number is significantly less than the amount required by the mannequin.

Version 1.5 which will include this trap will likely be up some time on Monday.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Trap Quest Release 6 Version 1.4, and Patreon Page

EDIT: Version 1.4b now uploaded, fixes issues with starting as a female and lactation causing boobs to go above flat chest

Okay guys prepare for a huge wall of text!  This version comes with not only quite a few bug fixes but also a decent amount of new stuff.  I probably should have spaced this out into several blog posts over the last couple of weeks but I didn't.  Sue me.  I'll be better in the future I promise.

The first thing I want to talk about is my new Patreon page, https://www.patreon.com/trapquest.  Assuming that the admins of the site are content that Trap Quest qualifies as not just porn but also as a game and don't delete my page, I have a new way that you can support me in the coming months.  By pledging as much or a little as you like per month you can influence quite how much of my spare time I dedicate to developing the game.  Pledging $5, the same amount as most twitch channel subscriptions, gets you the donator's version if you don't have it already.

The bug page is now out of control so I'm going to retire it and make a blank new one.  Please report any bugs found in 1.4, old or new, in there.  As usual I must remind you it's difficult to test everything what with the size of the game and the time I have available to me so I apologise if there are any massive gamebreaking bugs I didn't encounter and I will endeavor to fix them ASAP if there are.

Right, now onto bug fixes:

  • Potion of balance freezing bug fixed.
  • Vines no longer lay eggs when egg laying fetish is off.
  • Fainting to the wench no longer breaks the game.
  • Killing a demoness removes the 'stuck' flag from all clothing in the game, this should give the player a way to resolve most of the current bugs surrounding this.
  • Weight numbers thirded in an attempt to balance the stat, this may well be an overnerf, we'll see.  It's important to note that weight is still an important statistic and variable even when weight gain fetish is disabled which is why you are still given information on it.  What weight gain fetish currently adds, is lots of altered flavour text, and the ability to gain body fat on your arms thighs and belly, as well as separating hip width and ass fatness into two different stats.
  • Spike Bra recipe was broken and could not be crafted.  This is fixed.
  • It should no longer be possible for an uninterested monster to continue to penetrate you (which would lock up the game if it somehow happened).
  • Giving birth to a doll no longer makes all future babies dolls!  This has been a bug for ages which was only brought to my attention recently.  Oops.

For clarification, the following things are working as intended:

  • Weight gain i.e. fatness is not glitching when disabled as far as I can tell.  However as already mentioned your weight (caused by your breasts, hips and contents of your belly) is still an important stat to pay attention to even when the fat fetish is disabled hence why it is mentioned when you examine yourself.
  • The fairy can attack you while you are safe in hammock as she doesn't need to get you into a specific position or penetrate you.  She's a flying fairy, ya dumb bitch.

I've tried extensively and been unable to replicate:

  • Instant fainting vs vine boss
  • Stack overflow when examining self (this was fixed for hair extensions in 1.3, so might be someone using an old version).
  • Breasts going above max size: in case I'm mistaken, I've added a function that will shout at you the first moment that breasts go above their allowed size.  When that happens please report the bug with as much detail as possible about exactly what was going on when it happened.

Other changes and new features are as follows:

  • Help menu is up to date.
  • All monsters have a chance of making you gag if they ejaculate in your mouth.  The roll is against your intelligence (putting mind over matter to fight your gag reflex) and the wench's skill makes you automatically succeed.
  • Added maximum ass size option. The earlier reductions are more efficient point-wise; costing only one point for 2 levels of reduction.
  • Cans can no longer be cursed or blessed.  This means that identifying cursed drinks can be done with an enema or with a can as you can be 100% sure with the results of these two methods on what the liquid does.
  • There have been a couple of name changes and additions.
  • Stockings and heels images can be added to the character view but only really work if you have a massive screen or set the images to quite small.  They are disabled by default so you have to enable them in the options.
  • The player's stomach now tracks semen and other liquids separately.
  • Digesting semen can cause semen or sex addiction increases.  This is more likely when not thirsty.  This probably needs further balancing as it could be argued that this makes puking up semen from gagging is a good thing.
  • There have been balance changes to the player's bladder (with watersports fetish enabled).  Drinking liquid when not thirsty makes you need to pee more quickly than drinking when thirsty.
  • Inhuman pregnancies option - You can now choose between only human pregnancies, only humanoid pregnancies and all crazy pregnancies enabled.
  • Inhuman pregnancies added - If enabled in the pre-game options a scene has been added for when the vines or tentacle monster or living belt get you pregnant.  However the monster doesn't exist yet and so isn't actually spawned.
  • With extreme proportions fetish, some pregnancies (for now, the minotaur and tentacled pregnancies) take longer and make your belly grow larger than possible via any other means.  During the final stages you will have lots of trouble staying on you feet very long without huge amounts of strength.  These larger sizes currently use the hugest belly images that some of you noticed have been missing so far in release 6.
  • Gender Bender T-Shirt added - this appears in the pink wardrobe if you are male and is the only item of clothing a male can wear at the start of the game that doesn't humiliate him too much to wear.  But upon wearing it will increase essentially every stat that is currently on its starting value of 0 to 1.
  • Presenting to enemies: This was a huge piece of work but seems to be working OK.  You can present your asshole, vagina or mouth to unfriendly monsters who are about to use you to attempt to influence which orifice they use.  It humiliates you to do it, and isn't always successful (although with some monsters it will always succeed).  I'll leave you guys to discover which monsters it can work on and which it will never work on.  The verb is "present [noun]" or "offer [noun]" and you don't specify a monster you're doing it to.  You are presenting to all unfriendly monsters in the room.
  • In order to make submitting and presenting to a monster you don't want to fight more possible, if you take a submissive action in front of an intelligent monster (kneeling, removing or displacing underwear) then the monster will wait a round to see what you do next.  So for example if a guard in your location tells you to get on the ground, you can take turns kneeling and pulling down your underwear and he won't immediately just choose a hole and get to work.
  • You can get permanent makeup now from the mannequin but only voluntarily.  If you present your face to an unfriendly mannequin whilst already having level 3 makeup then she will make it permanent, at least until the next time you faint.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Squirt Dildo Squeezable

This is half a gameplay fix and half a feature update but is a big deal and deserves its own post. The squirt dildo can now be filled from any open topped vessel (so not cans or bottles) and can be squeezed at any time to expel its payload. This includes when it is inside one of your orifices.

Squirting anything except semen into a vagina causes it to flow out immediately with no further effect. Injecting bodily fluids into your ass causes them to remain in your belly until expelled as usual. All other liquids are immediately absorbed by your body and an appropriate effect triggers. If cursed, cum and sex addiction increases. The BUC of the squirt dildo doesn't affect this effect and so any cursed liquids will become identified by the player.

In the nearish future I plan for it to be possible to identify cursed drinks if the BUC of the vessel is known for sure when drinking but for now a self administered dildo squirt is the only way. It's also worth noting that the process causes humiliation to increase.

Now I have to go away and decide exactly how to allow the player to obtain urine in the first place, and decide if the player's own semen can get them pregnant...

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Woo 2015

2014 was full of stress for me and pretty poor in terms of world news so here's hoping that this year will be an improvement!

Anyway yeah I'm working on it again, I've fixed lots of stuff but still working on the breast size thing.  The game is so big it takes ages to playtest now!

I have a huge backlog of emails to go through so bear with me please!

I'm also looking into setting up a Patreon page so that supporters have more ways to donate and stuff.

But yeah expect relatively regular blog updates again from now on.

Oh and I still have no idea what's going on with some comments disappearing, I'm not doing it so I assume it's a bug with the comment system.