Friday 19 September 2014

Aika's Random Thoughts #1

Right now I'm trying to code whilst on a train with a nosy shoulder surfer next to me. I know because I saw him googling "test 2" and "inform" on his iPhone (the filename is that exactly so I can work on sfw parts of the game in public without getting busted). I think when I hit compile and he saw that the source code is 250 000 words long he got interested and wondered if I'm some famous game dev.

Anyway it's annoying, I'm trying to code some alchemy stuff without using any keywords that'll let him find this blog or the wiki. I am tempted to let him see the title just as I get off the train though. In fact just in case I do, hi dude, yep that's right this is a fetish game for sexual deviants. And please don't shoulder surf so blatantly in the future it makes people uncomfortable.

Anyway I apologise for the lack of update in this post, but this triggered a random thought I wanted to share with my audience. I wonder how many players I have walked past or interacted with in real life without any idea. Having a mostly anomymous internet persona is a bit weird like that.

Real meaningful blog updates will resume this weekend!


  1. You know the saying, curiosity stuck the cat on a spinning dildo pole... or something like that.

  2. I don't mind these! These are interesting, you should make more :).

  3. He googled test 2 and inform? Is this guy a moron?

  4. Thats not shoulder surfing, thats mark hunting; He was probably hoping you were doing something important he could make money from, they usually do that and pick up numbers and names from people your texting.

    1. That was my thought too.

      Hopefully he's just a creepy voyeur, buuuuut....

  5. I had a bug in today's session, after giving birth to the minotaur's offspring and coming back for more, this was displayed:

    *** Run-time problem P10: Since the large minotaur is not allowed the property “pregnancy”, it is against the rules to try to use it.

    Things then proceeded normally.

  6. Joke's on you, Aika, I don't go outside!

    Also, will you need a specific stat to be able to perform alchemy, or is it more geared toward having the right reactants?

    1. I'll explain everything in a blog post when it's finished!

  7. You ARE some famous game dev!

  8. it's posts like this that make me laugh and realize we're all pretty self aware

  9. This is common where I live. People who ride the bus are curious about what someone is doing on their electronic devices but most will just ask you about it, directly. Nosiness and a high interest in programmers even if most people do not program seem to be the drive out here. I would say give him the name sublety and let him/her figure it out.

  10. I am currently reading this in a DQ myself. I wouldn't say I subscribe to radical honesty but if somebody asked a specific enough question it is there own damn fault. XD

  11. I expect that you could get yourself something along the lines of one of these and a laptop with HDMI output; that's enough resolution to run a decent traditional 80x24 character text console.

    1. I tested a pair of those, they are alright but I was waiting for the next generation ones to come out. I hope Vuvix has something new soon.
