Wednesday 7 January 2015

Woo 2015

2014 was full of stress for me and pretty poor in terms of world news so here's hoping that this year will be an improvement!

Anyway yeah I'm working on it again, I've fixed lots of stuff but still working on the breast size thing.  The game is so big it takes ages to playtest now!

I have a huge backlog of emails to go through so bear with me please!

I'm also looking into setting up a Patreon page so that supporters have more ways to donate and stuff.

But yeah expect relatively regular blog updates again from now on.

Oh and I still have no idea what's going on with some comments disappearing, I'm not doing it so I assume it's a bug with the comment system.


  1. glad nothing bad happened to you since the previous post.

  2. I don't think trapquest would be allowed on patreon due to its restriction on real-life pornography(i.e. almost everything to do with the examine skill.)

  3. I check up on this blog every day, seriously. Glad to see a new post and that you're fine. While I'm itching for a new update with new stuff, I'm pleased to see you fix bugs before moving onto new items/ideas, etc. Please keep us updated as I'm sure many are like me where we like to see a new post no matter what it says.

    Keep at it and hope you're doing well. ;)


  5. happy new year aika
    the game is so big now. take ur time im still liking the current release.

  6. Sup! Are nipple chains and fake nails supposed to have a 'x me' description?

    1. I've never gotten nipple chains but as for the nails they don't appear in 'x me/self'.

  7. umm, are pregnancies supposed to get stuck?

  8. I can't find the "things that will never be added" list, so I figured I'd just ask on the most recent post; will male genital pictures ever be added?

    1. As far as I can tell, it's in the first paragraph of the "Disclaimer" page:
      The following are topics that you can be confident that this game will not contain: gore, scat, extreme torture, sex with real animals (for example the game does not contain a bull, a real animal, but it does contain a minotaur).

      For your second question, I'll quote the FAQ:
      Q. Are you going to put pictures in for X body part?
      A. Yes, probably, eventually.

      "Edit": The post below was exactly the same. I deleted it and posted it as a reply instead. I shouldn't be doing these beginner mistakes anymore, lol. =^-^=

    2. thanks dood

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am not sure if this is possible with the framework that you are using, but perhaps you should set up some unit tests? That would really help you with preventing regressions. A code coverage tool could also be useful

    1. From my experience they're only useful if you aren't the only one coding the thing. If you are - they're just useless time killer. Most bugs you can figure out by just symptoms, and ones that you can't unit-tests won't prevent either.

    2. I have had great results with unit tests, even for code I develop on my own. Every single time I put in effort to increase code coverage I find a few obscure bugs.

      Of course you have to be smart with where you use them. There are a few libraries I have published in which I have 100% branch coverage, simply because so much other code depends on this library and any bugs do not crash but are very subtle.

      On the other hand, for things like code involving GUIs i rarely use unit tests.

      The biggest strength of unit tests for me is when I am refactoring, to make sure things still work as intended.

  11. Lentiscus Argentatum10 January 2015 at 19:33

    If I recall correctly the 2014 was a year of transition for you, and transitions bring with them almost always stress but after the stress, if you hold on, come the results. I hope you will not have to wait anymore, so Best Wishes for this new year! ;-)
