Wednesday 14 January 2015

Squirt Dildo Squeezable

This is half a gameplay fix and half a feature update but is a big deal and deserves its own post. The squirt dildo can now be filled from any open topped vessel (so not cans or bottles) and can be squeezed at any time to expel its payload. This includes when it is inside one of your orifices.

Squirting anything except semen into a vagina causes it to flow out immediately with no further effect. Injecting bodily fluids into your ass causes them to remain in your belly until expelled as usual. All other liquids are immediately absorbed by your body and an appropriate effect triggers. If cursed, cum and sex addiction increases. The BUC of the squirt dildo doesn't affect this effect and so any cursed liquids will become identified by the player.

In the nearish future I plan for it to be possible to identify cursed drinks if the BUC of the vessel is known for sure when drinking but for now a self administered dildo squirt is the only way. It's also worth noting that the process causes humiliation to increase.

Now I have to go away and decide exactly how to allow the player to obtain urine in the first place, and decide if the player's own semen can get them pregnant...


  1. decide if the player's own semen can get them pregnant...

    watch "Predestination"

    1. lol, just happened to watch that one today. Nice mind-bender :)

    2. "if the player's own semen can get them pregnant"

      100 times yes. Your selfcest offspring could be a secret boss dropping yet another high-end recipe component.

    3. Or, it creates another "player" like Barbara, but exactly matches the average between your male and female selves and wanders around.

  2. It would be cool if, further down the line, squirting potions into your various orifices would have some kind of effect.

    1. Note: I'm an idiot. Completely misread that section. Read it upon returning from the graveyard shift.

  3. Very nice, a much wanted ability. Self impregnation seems practical given all that goes on in the game.

  4. Wow, this is a good idea -- thanks!

  5. Well as for allowing the player to obtain urine that seems obvious

    >piss in mug/chalice

  6. suddenly exited again for hte next release.

  7. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, or if this is even a bug or not... Wearing the Cow Print Bikini Top prevents you from being milked at the bench, since your clothing is in the way.
    If this is a 'bug', could you allow it to have exposed nipples?
    If not, a request would be to allow bra/tops to be displaced like panties, and possibly have the milking bench auto-displace, or milk through bra.

    1. The idea behind clothes preventing milking is to give it a negative side to balance the positive.

      If you're wearing a cursed bra/overdress, you can't get milk cans, and you keep generating slipping hazards anytime you leak milk. Your clothes also get drenched in milk, lowering their stat bonus.

      Spending time and resources to remove your bra lets you prevent these issues and produce milk to quench your thirst/heal up a bit (once you've made sure it's uncursed).

      Another point is that the Cowgirl class gets its strength bonus from keeping the milk content high. The bra grants milk production, but doesn't have milking in mind.

    2. Still, it doesn't make sense that a piece of clothing designed around a milking fetish and that can only be gained through using the milking bench would prohibit milking

  8. Could be kinda cool to have a displace function on bra's like one have with some undergarments

  9. Is there some command to put back a displaced undergarment to normal? It kinda seems strange to me to remove the piece whole and then put it on again to get it back in position, since the whole procedure takes some time, which can be a problem if you just peed, then fell to your kneels like a good little slut and a doll just came around the corner.

    And can anyone please explain exactly how alchemy works, I mean what commands do I have to use if I got the right ingredients AND the recipe?

    Another Question directed to Aika: Have you ever considered porting the game to another Engine? I kinda like this whole Interactive Novel style, but the game plays much more like a MUD (TrapQuest, the MUD, now thats an Idea) or Rougelike. Like for example a more Graphical Approach with graphics like the old Eye of the Beholder or Dungeon Master Games, still with a big Text Box on the Bottom, but maybe a First Persion View where you can see all NPC's father away and in your Screen.

    1. Replace X

      Reverses the displace command
      If there is a hostile NPC anywhere in the room, this command will fail.


      Brings up a menu of all the player's available alchemic recipes.
      The player will be given a yes/no confirmation for each one.
      If the player chooses to perform any of their recipes, the menu will close afterward, even if there were other recipes available
      Will fail if
      The player is not in the apothecary
      The player does not have the necessary ingredients for any of their recipes
      The player is sharing the room with a hostile monster


      Lists the player's remembered recipes

      Can be used to remember alchemical recipes.

      I am not Aika for as for paragraph three all I can say is that an engine port is most likely a lot of work for little gain. Would you rather have no updates and an engine port for probably at least a year, or updates?

    2. Thank you very much ;).

      As for the Engine Port, that's why I asked if she has any plans for something like this. Of course I'd love to see updates, but as far as I remember, there is a state for this game, when its "finished", or at least release 6 should have a playable storyline (not that I like the sandboxish Gameplay). Maybe after that?

    3. Alternative shorter commands:
      - replace -> fix
      - remember -> learn

      Some more alchemy info:
      - liquid components work in open containers or cans. It only takes one dose from your container, so be careful about cursed drinks.
      - you need to hold everything in your inventory as you craft.

      I still have to test whether unidentified cans are valid for id-specific recipes (say, having a random can in your inventory lets you craft a tincture, you know it's good).
      Would be a cheap way to identify can boosts.

  10. Question,
    since some alchemy requires mixed bodily fluids, which would be, cum, pee, milk. And if Aika is thinking about a way for pee.

    So for those of us who don't enable pee, how does one get milk into an open topped container? or are there tanks with milk?

    1. The requirements change based on the fetishes you have available. Iirc, if you don't have the necessary fetishes enabled for "mixed bodily fluids", the requirement will "just" be semen. (Semen can always trickle down your thighs since that's not "hidden" behind a fetish toggle whatsoever)

    2. There's still the problem of getting milk, the only way in the game to get milk is the milking bench, but after its used it spits out a can. And as the post said, cans can't be used on the squirt dildo.

    3. Right now the only way to get milk up your butt is to use the royal slave class. The basque magically sends it there, while the harness uses a more traditional method.

      Aika already mentioned working on other ways to obtain the mixture.

  11. Took a while to figure this bug out:

    Using potion of balance with queen of heart's heels on will instantly crash the game.

    1. You do realise that there's a section marked for posting bugs right?
