Monday 14 October 2013

ASCII Map Finally Working

For the past few weeks I've been attempting to get a working ASCII map of the rooms that the player has discovered so far.

I've now finally got the base code working; you can now clearly see on the map where you are, where you've been, and what rooms you've walked past (so you know they're there) but that you didn't enter.  It also uniquely identifies the stairwell.

So while it is now in a state where I am happy for it to be available for use in the next publicly available version of the game, I am not yet done with it.  For example, as discussed on the forum, it can be improved to give much more detail on each of the known rooms.

At the moment it also does not show connections between rooms, just if there is a room at each grid position.  So you still have to work out the correct path to take to get there yourself.

To see the map in-game, all you will have to do is type "map".  Maybe one day soon it will be in its own frame!


  1. Wow! Great to heat about all the progress being made! Go Aika!

  2. Thank you so very much for this blog! You are absolutely right: it is SOOO much easier to keep track of what is going on!
