Thursday 12 December 2013

Cursed from Birth

There's a new option you can select from the fetish menu: Unlucky.

Being unlucky means that things have never seemed to go your way when left up to chance.  In terms of Trap Quest, the most notable difference is that clothing will be a lot more likely to be cursed.  Monsters will be slightly more likely to want to use their actions that dress you up in things, and lots of the random numbers in the background that check whether or not to make something appear on your person are more likely to trigger successfully.

Are you turned on by the idea of someone being forced to wear slutty clothing against their will, and be unable to remove it?  Then this perk is probably for you.


  1. I guess I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't totally screw you over. I imagine it's already quite hard to find "beneficial" drinks... if cursed drinks also increase a lot in frequency this might make statraising a bit too hard. (Assuming you want to win the game)

    1. It will make clothing less desirable I guess, but then again you probably need to find good clothing to win so hopefully it won't be an option people choose and then walk around naked.

      It doesn't affect drinks or traps or your combat strength or anything like that at all.

    2. Well... I just hope the descriptions will be accurate enough ingame then. Because perks like "unlucky" (without reading specific descriptions) could change just about any mechanic in the game.
      I might use that perk now that I know it doesn't affect EVERYTHING to make the game hate you. =^-^=

      So in short: I think it would be helpful to either state at one point that "this perk affects this, this and that" (doesnt have to be suuper specific, but like "affects clothes") or "this perk doesnt affect this this and that" (like you did just now with drinks, traps and combat strength.)

      I did in fact read the actual update posted above, but didn't realize that the list of things affected was exhaustive.
      I usually also like it more if stuff only gets hinted at but it's not like you can "check" your bad luck that easily... because chance can screw you over regardless. So

    3. "Fashion Victim" might be a more fitting perk name.

  2. Very nice, Aika! I'd been hoping something like this might be added, but didn't quite know what it was I was trying to think of. If that makes any sense.

    If I may ask: do you intend to add shrinking to the game at any point?

    And one little suggestion, should you ever run low on ideas: hobble-skirts!
