Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Just a short post to say Merry Christmas and to thank those of you who helped me pay my rent this month.  I'll get back on the actual content updates any day now!

Love you all <3



  1. you are most welcome. merry christmas

  2. Merry Christmas. I hope your day was awesome!

  3. i had an idea for release 7, its kinda pointless but its stuck in my head and its annoying me
    you remember pool floats that you wore on your arm? imagine if you needed them to swim in a lake unless you learned the skill from one of the npc's and possibly increasing the usefulness of lakes would help. also maybe use girly floats and maybe have them increase the bimbo meter.

  4. any plans to make monsters that try to fuck your mouth?

  5. Heya I have some weird gameplay mechanics ideas I thought I could run by ya.

    Umm could the orifice looseness and a full belly stats perhaps combine to create a condition where you leave "trails" that attract monsters? Perhaps it could be used to lure creatures into traps possibly?

    Also could a confluence of like monsters become a horde unit with different behaviors pertaining to how the player "deals" with them? Wink wink. Maybe with a high enough looseness stat some sort of dominatrix npc could teach players how to double the rate at which they deal with large groups?

    Also bodily fluids would make an interesting currency in such a world. Who would need them and for what purpose though?

    Okay that's enough for now, juuust some food for thought is all.

  6. can you just release the horribly unfinished form of the next release and call it a beta?

    1. it'll be done when it's done. the holidays are hectic for everyone, Aika included... probably.

  7. Fenoxo linked to your blog, so be prepared for an influx of new players ;)
