Tuesday 18 February 2014

Deepthroat Skill

So now that masturbation is a skill everyone starts with, the wench needs a new skill she can teach the player. So who would be more appropriate to give a lesson on deepthroating!

Whenever you get facefucked, you may now gag, which causes large amounts of humiliation, especially if it causes you to chuck up semen. Learning the deepthroating skill prevents gagging.

There may soon be some other benefits as well, maybe for example it will help with opportunities to earn a discount on items for sale...


  1. Please increase the chance of the type of clothing for BDSM. And add equipable plug\dildo.

  2. you've got quite the dominant teasing streak, you know? ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. When what? Give the parameters or Aika will never release it!

    2. From the comments on the previous post:

      Aika - 18 February 2014 03:54
      Before the end of the week :)

      So hey, maybe go play the previous version just one more time! That way you can appreciate everything new even better.

  4. Could you put the correct phrase for requests to learn the skills (though to some).

    1. It's the question bit. It's only a chance to learn it from someone, and if you don't proc the conversation by chance you have to either ask someone else or wait a good number of turns. Finally, if you don't meet the requirements to learn the skill (if Deepthroat keeps the same as wank, then it's having been humiliated enough) you won't learn it.

    2. It's largely dependent on intelligence if you actually learn the skill as well, people with intelligence lower than pensive will have a lot of difficulty, meanwhile if you have genius, failure is unlikely(if possible to even fail, not sure)

    3. I'm not 100% sure if its really the same for all stats, but from what I've gathered so far it works like this:
      (Idk the chances of the "right conversation" coming up... I think intelligence increases the chance)
      When trying to learn a skill the game picks a random number between 5 and 15. If your "score" is higher you'll learn the skill.
      "score" is dependent on the skill.
      Basically it's intelligence + [specific stat].
      For the belly skill its easy: Just add intelligence and belly size together to get the "score".
      I guess humiliation will be divided by 1000 or something like that.

    4. Turned out, some of the specific calculations for skills is on the wiki already. I wasn't entirely wrong at least...

    5. That's where I based my assumptions off of in the first place.
      If I were making a game I'd probably use the same method for acquiring different skills, since it's less work than to come with something completely new each time. And it's not like a player would care about the technical method of obtaining the skill as long as it isn't harder to acquire the skill.

  5. With this new skill, will there be more occasions for oral sex beyond just when you have the plug panties?

    1. Thus implications of "shop discounts"

    2. Oral sex is still usually limited to when monsters can't get at your lower orifices for some reason. This is because the main punishment for losing a fight is generally supposed to be orifice soreness.

    3. Getting an oversized cock rammed down your throat would certainly create soreness, hehe.

      Eagerly awaiting the release. :D

  6. so excited for the new release :D don't feel that the hype means to rush it though, I'm amazed how fast you are adding new stuff to the game, Ive done programming in the past so i know it can be hard and veerrrry tedious, anyway LOVING IT
