Friday 21 February 2014

Known bugs this weekend

Hey guys, I'm away for the weekend but this is just a quick blog from my phone to discuss two major bugs people are encountering.

When you run out of earnings, the game stops tracking time which means your thirst decays every single turn! Oops. I'll fix this soon but I'm afraid I'm not at my pc until Monday.

Secondly, people are discussing the game freezing when you faint. I'm pretty sure this is acually the game waiting for you to press enter to continue, although I understand that message isn't appearing for some reason.

If pressing enter doesn't work, I suggest changing the settings so that delays are set to the fastest possible time and then it should only take a minute or so for it to continue automatically.

Diapers are working as intended, I'll discuss that further when I have the time!


  1. I like the diapers, but they continue to get a hole in them XD that's my own damn fault though. I wish I knew how the bladder system worked though.

  2. So this may be working as intended, but I doubt it. When on the surface the cowbell (which is awesome) calls the fairies. The fairies mess with you, and then lose interest. Then when you move another space, the cowbell calls them again, resetting the cooldown they normally have. drug the same two fairies across 5 spaces and was altered 10 times before making it back downstairs to the dungeon. Haven't noticed it doing that with any other enemy.

    1. Hmm, this is my bad. It's because the cowbell attracts monsters within a certain boredom threshold and fairies have quite a short boredom level compared to other monsters

    2. Also I believe it's impossible to remove the cowbell right now, even though it isn't cursed.

  3. I am getting freezes when fainting, but after the game tells me to press enter. I think, but I can't confirm, that it happens most often if I either type something and then press enter, not realizing that the previous action caused me to faint, or pressing enter and then typing anything else before the game state resets.

  4. Currently max sized butts are too effective at stopping penetration. At one point I collapsed during a fight and couldn't escape, but my attacker couldn't claim his prize. By the end of it I had 2 guards and 4 dolls going at me at once, and after about 30 minutes in game time I only escaped when a wench came along and smothered me. Either butts need to be nerfed, or there should be an option to "service" enemies on purpose.

    1. Interesting, I wonder there is a glitch happening there. Butts should never be that reliable.

    2. Those monsterbearing hips (for females) need to be put to work indeed. :P

    3. I notice the butt problem when i manually "displace panties" and then manually kneel, the monsters will spend an eternity trying to insert and fail, even with "slim" hips

  5. "You look at your leather corset of confidence and feels extremely self-concious."

    Typo aside, this seems a little silly for some reason...

  6. Cowgirl set keeps piling on heels regardless of if you have heels on.

  7. not sure if the chastity belt is just not added yet or the chances are low enough that i have yet to get one, but that is something that i would like to take a look at. if anyone could let me know if i can or how best to get it, it would be greatly appreciated.

    1. The easiest way right now is wanking frequently.

    2. thank you, i will give it a go the next time.

  8. When attacking the witch, she tried to put large diapers on me, but I got an error instead and the diapers never appeared.

  9. I just got this:
    ERROR, no scene coded for this type of baby (the puppetlike sex doll).

    Earlier I had another doll-baby just fine, so it seems it's really specific.

  10. I can't load a saved game, it just freeze when i do "restore" then load the glkglulxe file :/ any idea ?


    1. Is this happening every time? I haven't had this issue.

    2. Yeah this seems to be happening with me as well I thought it was because I was running it on linux though WINE but I guess not.

    3. never mind found out you need to press the big red button first then restore.

  11. aika you need to make it so you can remove torn diapers
    they don't get dirty so you can't take them off and they still have the negative effect of not absorbing anything

    1. A torn diaper still absorbs 33% of pee, so you can get it to a removable level. But yeah I'm considering making it removable anyway once ripped it makes more sense.

  12. "aramanth pink hair" should be "amaranth"

  13. This might just be me but I cant restore saves in version 6 0.5b (I mean saved games in this version, not from previous versions).

    It kinda is a dealbreaker if you actually want to do semi-serious runs but then again, it's a very early release.

    Also, it would be nice if future releases make references to the chastity cage.

    1. i can load saves just fine, did you get past the intro stuff before trying to load?

  14. Can someone tell me how to get the cowbell? thanks

    1. I had one appear on me after I had the cow ears appear on me...I believe from getting milked too much. Hope that helps.

  15. bug: got a cursed chastity belt on a female character, on surface level and the vines just invaded her vagina.

    i believe that defies the laws of physics.......more than the game already does :P

  16. Runtime Problem P10: Chastity Belt is not allowed the "armor" property, so it is against the rules to try to use it.

    ~This is the old version of .6

    Anyway, happened while sitting on the throne in a chastity belt and hotpants. Destroyed the chastity belt and didn't touch the hotpants.

    I'd done the same thing earlier and reloaded that save where the character had had the hotpants destroyed and everything went as it should.

  17. I broke it on the first screen lol. I started as male. This pic should make the rest self-explanatory for debugging purposes.

    1. I gave up on typing anything other than "push" at the start long ago...
      Well that being said the responses to examining the button or oneself didn't change over time... yet. =^-^=
      While this isn't the most accurate answer i don't only avoid using other commands there to progress faster through the game but also because... as we can see it is able to break the game.

  18. I'm getting the "doesn't register enter" bug. The game does prompt for me to hit Enter; it just doesn't respond to my key presses (whether Enter or anything else). It doesn't happen every time it prompts for Enter; just often enough to be annoying.

    I'm using Gargoyle 2011.1 on OS X 10.9.1 with Trap Quest R6 0.5.

  19. Short comment: I may have missed something, but is it intended that "unlucky" doesn't get enabled when choosing "NIGTMARE MODE: Choose everything!"?

    Tested on both v0.5 and v0.5b with both genders.

  20. FYI: I have also experienced the "game locks up" bug after fainting. I hit enter and space several times and let it sit for over an hour. I also have "no delay" set in options. Mind you, this bug occurred after about 1.5 hours of gameplay and several faintings.

  21. The lock up appears similar to an issue with the map generator last year where it froze up when trying to generate a new map. it doesn't happen every time, but when it does, it seems to require killing the session and starting over to fix. (so far it seems to be around 10-20% of the case for me).

  22. oh for fucks sake dildo poles keep taring my diaper before i've even used it and then i keep running around the rest of the game pissing down my leg

    thanks obama
    (really tho if you could let me turn of dildo pole traps they're the most annoying thing in the world)
