Friday 7 February 2014

So, I should probably release something soon

Hey guys,

Thanks for voting on the poll.  The very mixed results and the poor wording of the poll (that one's my fault) mean that I'll just choose a direction when I come to look at images again.  Eventually the game will probably have options for all of the above and you can each choose your favourite, although I'm a little worried about a  bloated filesize.  I have a few offers from people to draw art for me which I may end up taking up in the future.  By the way, sorry for the lack of email replies guys, I am really good at thinking "I'll reply to this later" and then the email getting lost amidst ones I have replied to.  I'll try to have a look back through lost emails sometime this weekend.

Anyway it's been a productive couple of weeks but I'm still way off what I wanted to have done for release 6.  Never mind that the hotel level is empty of monsters at the moment, but there are loads of donators requests still to do.  But obviously you guys want to play what I've done so far and as some have pointed out it's now early February.

So what I'm going to do, is for the next week (or two, we'll see), is perform some finishing touches that will make what I have at the moment a playable release, revamp attacking like I have planned to do for a while, and then I'll release a version for you to play with.  Think of it as release 6v0.5 or something.  As this isn't a full version of release 6, I won't implement undo prevention yet for non-donators.  But several of the other cheats (purloin etc.) will no longer be available for everyone.  They were only available when I compiled the game 'for testing' and from now on I will be compiling it with standard parameters.

To the donators whose stuff I haven't gotten done yet, I do apologise, it will get done, and I'm hoping / assuming you guys would also like to see where the game is at, even though your request hasn't been coded yet.

Cards on the table I have a lot of work to get on with over the next few months (final semester of final year of university!) but I will still have some spare time of course and will endeavour to do everything I've promised to do as fast as I possibly can.  But as you may have noticed I don't tend to rush my coding, as I value quality and want to be able to be proud of the final product.

So yeah, watch this space!

Love from Aika


  1. Soon(x) measures the actual length of x, converted from estimated development time to real time. Let a = "a week or two". Soon(a) = a month.

    Kidding aside, happy to see an inkling of a release date, even for a release candidate or "half version". It will probably have some debilitating bugs you won't catch and people will complain, but at least now I won't have to check this site daily, hoping to see the new version pop up suddenly.


    Friday, February 7, 2014
    Legend of Queen Opala II

    LoQO II was released a half hour ago, so your non-typing arm can get the workout it needs while we wait for the new TQ release.

    I know a lot of people like both games, so I decided to remember you.

    1. Not the best place to ask this I know, but can you actually change the appearence of your hero in this game ?

    2. I don't think so... apart from choosing your appereance at the start of the game. (Choosing a different hero doesn't affect anything other than appeareance)

  3. Glad to hear you have been making progress on your coding. I understand the want/need for quality coding before releasing it to us, and thats where we find the issue of; I really want to play the new version, but I really want to see your best work. So in the end, I am happy either way. Best of luck coding.

  4. Looking forward. Just inform what you have actually implemented.

    Also, I may have mentioned this already but do you think you could maybe implement an initial option to "become a trap"?
    I know you can kinda cheat the system and do it already by reducing chest size limits and giving a minimum penis size but it would be nice if it was an option you could preselect.
    Possibly with some penalties attached to it like starting with a cursed equipment/outfit but at the same time starting with maximum c breast size (maybe you get also a smaller minimum penis size with 1cm instead of the 3cm which you cannot increase?)?

    1. In this case, it's more an issue with all unique dialogue, it would have to be changed from "ditzy bimbo" to "cutesy girl" Seems like something Aika would have better luck out-sourcing to someone else, so he can actually focus on getting the bimbo part done. Gladiators especially break the immersion. Mainly I just want him to use other people's help for weird niche things like this that are out of the way in terms of the main game.

      Cocksize goes by inches. He mentioned in a post it's like that because otherwise cocksize would be too expensive, which it already doesn't serve much purpose besides player preference. Although Aika could just make 1 inch 1 point, then the following 2-3 inches 0 points, he hasn't. Can't speak for him either.

    2. I'd like an option to display in cm, but internally keep using inches. Use a multiplier of 2.5 to avoid ugly decimal points.

  5. Basically I like it the way you want to do it.
    It may seem nice to give an earlier release but in the end you're the one who has to make it happen.
    Since the game is still in beta no one should expect a bug-free release but it's also nice if the creator tries to make testing of the game enjoyable as well.
    That being said I prefer the "slow" way.
    Let's assume you (or anyone for that matter) release the game early:
    You'll still "have to" fix the bugs and add content eventually, but you're also being slowed down looking through all the feedback.
    Because of this I think early releases slow down overall development on a game.
    The game doesn't have to be perfect on release but I'd advice against releasing early to "please the masses", since it doesn't do anyone favors in the long run.

    1. Have to agree. I'd rather wait for a release you're happy with rather than rush it because you feel you need to get something out to people.

  6. Hello Aika,

    I was looking over your list for donation requests and my request really doesn't fit in any of them.

    It's rather minor addition: Whenever the TG Fetish works (player faints and wake up with a vagina), monsters in the game will reference his past masculinity to humiliate the player (ie "Oh yes, you were truly meant to be a woman" while getting raped in the pussy by a Guard).

    I'd be willing to pay to add this in but I wouldn't know how much.

    1. Well... the request I made didn't exactly fit 100% in either so I'll try to consult a bit. Ofc this is inofficial and only aika would be able to tell you for certain.
      I'm assuming that you really only want flavortext to be changed. (Specificially encounter-text)
      In that case I would put it in the 10$ tier. Why? Because whether it's clothing with no extra functionality (coding) or flavortext in encounters with a toggle to switch at best the effort going into it should be about the same.
      In your specific case you'd probably need to specify which npcs react differently.
      Dolls don't have an intellect to recognize it obviously.
      The demoness could be ignoring it as well because you're still just a puny human... etc.
      If you want to be more active you could try and write up small sentences for other NPCs than the guard. I kind of liked your sample here.

      Sidenote: Assuming you want functionality to go with it it'll blow up the prices since aika would not only have to change the code for one monster, but lots of them.

    2. I would really like to see release six. I bet it's going to look great. Just keep on puttering with it and we'll love it when it's ready.

  7. I can almost wait... I really want this new update soon owo

  8. Project manager in software here. I think you're biting off too much for each new release. I mean, every coder has their own style, I know, but in my experience the process is much more comfortable with small, frequent releases, rather than trying to drop a ton of new features all at once.

    AFAIK you have little-to-no per-release cost on your end, so there's no reason why you couldn't go as small as one feature per release. Trust me, it's so much more pleasant to just take a little thing and do it start to finish then moving on, rather than keeping all these balls in the air at once.
