Sunday 16 November 2014

As predicted, lots of bugs and balance issues

Quick post because I'm still on the road.  I'll be able to address the key problems tonight when I get home. Most notable bugs seem to involve weight gain not respecting the fetish selection, plugs not behaving properly on fainting. Most critical balance issues are the cursed stool (weight gain overload) and how powerful the aeromancer is.

There are some QoL issues with talking to some monsters (but they are behaving correctly) and when enabling ass images for males. Also verb interaction with some items is difficult. Sometimes you see doubles of containers in rooms.

To those (few) people complaining about the gameplay quality of the release, I told you to wait a few days!


  1. Lentiscus Argentatum16 November 2014 at 07:30

    So far I like the new release very much despite some bugs the new additions are very enjoyable.

  2. >Cursed stool that increases weight.
    Okay... I can see this as the cause of the weight increase despite having weight gain turned off. Pretty nasty.
    The game already loves putting smoke traps in stool/bench rooms, but now they can be cursed without any user-side warning...
    Kinda turns the dungeon into a deathtrap and forces players to go to the forest asap to use hammocks... assuming those can't be cursed.

    Is there a way to uncurse furniture ?

  3. It would be interesting to have a portable stool that has a chance of breaking based on your over-all weight and hip/ass size.

    It could humiliate the player because fatbutt, and observing non-hostile NPCs could mock them in any fashion from pointing and laughing to outright shaking their heads in sympathetic embarrassment.

  4. It looks like the white basque doesn't do anything, or at least I can't get it to do anything.

    Also can't get the gladiators to do the nipple chain.

    1. if it spawned on you (via circlet) and it is cursed, it will randomly spawn milk in your bell. at least for me they worked.

      btw. to examine them you have to tipe "white basque" instead of white/basque

      cant get the gladiator to spawn the chain

  5. QoL Issues? Whats QoL stand for?

    1. "Quality of Life" generally refers to a game's intuitiveness, and how fun it is to play. In the case of the monsters, it isn't clear to the player why monsters sometimes won't respond to them at all, and a quality of life change would fix that.

  6. Not sure if mentioned yet but gladiators seem totally ok with my B cup breasts all of a sudden.

  7. honestly, with all the warnings about game quality, the game is far above my expectations, had to play "twice" in one day... literally screwed myself the first time.

  8. i would love to try the game out but for some reason when i hit enter i cannont start the game. i get my character created and when it gives me the "press enter to continue" nothing happens.
