Sunday 9 November 2014

Fertility Goddess 1.1

Since you all were so enthusiastic about the fertility goddess I decided to expand its functionality to make the decision to have lots of babies more meaningful.

Firstly, you gain intelligence equal to how many children you've given birth to. However, whilst pregnant, if the dress is not blessed, your hips will slowly increase in size.

Also, your chance of getting pregnant each turn there's semen in your womb is significantly increased.


  1. Wow. Cool. That was unexpected. At first I thought, "Wow, INT buff - could be overpowered" and then I realised the trade off for that is pregnancy and filling the dungeon with even more monsters. Like the hip idea too.

    Is it possible to update the Current Requests page so we can see what will be in this coming release?

  2. Liking this idea as well. I don't get how having (born) more children makes you smarter from a "logical" viewpoint, but I don't really mind. Free intelligence yay! =^-^=

    The reason why I like this change is because it makes it "less similar" to the maternity dress. I can see the two being used for different "gameplay/tactics" now.

    1. You must know something we don't ;)

      The post about the maternity dress didn't mention anything specific about its features.

    2. You should probably look in the comments of the maternity dress post then. =^-^=

    3. Well played, sir. Well played.

    4. I r kitteh. Other than that, yes, yes.

  3. Is it babies since the player got the outfit, or babies the player had throughout their stay in the dungeon?

    1. I think all babies. It would be asking for a bit much otherwise. It already takes quite a while/few babies to have this dress spawn on you. While the "time limit" doesn't seem much of a threat now, it'll probably just take too long for the effect to really matter otherwise. (Assuming you care about the "time limit" and "winning" and stuff like that)

    2. I wonder when it will spawn though. For example, let's say you pass out while giving birth (not sure if that still happens - can't find the post about birth and if it's been changed), but that birth is the number you need to spawn the outfit. Do you wake up with it on? Will it spawn the turn you're passing out, or can you 'miss' it?

    3. let's be fair, winning is that 20min - 2 hour period of fun you get everytime you play a round. so technically we the players win every single time, the character.... ehhh not the priority.

    4. @2nd Anon, you don't faint from giving birth anymore, and depending who the father is, you can get some nifty advantages.

      So it would probably spawn on you after you deliver your Nth child.

  4. Cant wait for the new realease! :D

  5. well between this and the unholy cum dump panties i can barely wait for the release

  6. What with my idea for over the normal Limit Hips and Ass size? Is that going in with Fertility Goddess 1.1? Or would that be a Thing for maybe a Broodmother Perk or something like That. Maybe going to be a Broodmother ist the next Step after beeing a Fertility Goddess?
    I would realy like to see bigger, unnatural Hips and Ass sizes ingame.

    Besides that, isnt it a logical thing, to make having bigger Hips and Ass being a not so dificult Thing when being a Fertility Goddess or Broodmother?
    Like they are about half the normal Weight for a Fertility Goddess.

    1. There is the 'extreme proportions' fetish already in the game. That would give you the unnatural hips and ass sizes.

      Aside from that, I'm not sure the game is specific enough to pregnancy fetish that it requires different three tiers of pregnancy stages/classes in addition to egg-laying (off --> pregnancy fetish on -> fertility goddess class --> Broodmother?), but that's just my opinion. As with all things, I imagine you'd have to talk with Aika about the direction in which they want their game to go.

  7. Would the Fertility Goddess outfit also increase pregnancy speed, like the white/black panties currently do? I think that would make sense and would have good synergy with the abilities while also giving it a bit of added risk.
