Wednesday 19 November 2014

Holy Shit the Bugs

Thank you for your continued bug reports.  Especially well done on noticing that sex addiction isn't functioning properly, I'll have to look at that.  For everyone asking about the "mixture of bodily fluids", it is due to glitches and the squirt dildo still needing coding that it's difficult to do this at the moment.  Please stop trying for now, or disable watersports and lactation so that the requirement changes to just semen.

But yeah sorry guys, I solved the gladiator issue but managed to cause ungodly amounts of bugs in the progress... that coupled with having to do a massive tidyup of the flat this evening means there's nothing to release that's, you know, nicer to play than 6.1.2. 

I know, I suck dicks.



  1. LOL, no stress! Keep up the amazing work!
    -- Qc

  2. Just keep up the good work.

    PS: We know you do, that's how you make such a good work and why everyone loves you

  3. We're just glad to get everything as you give it to us. Thanks for all you've done so far!

  4. Fuck you, I actually laughed at that.

  5. I feel that perhaps Royal Slave and Priestess should have slightly-different trigger conditions. I feel that trying to get rid of a cursed piece of headwear should not result in another, and triggered by lactation is something that is really, really easy if you have the fetish on, which being my second favorite kink, I generally do.

    In essence, too easy to end up a Royal Slave, Priestess makes it hard to get that cursed headwear off ya.

    1. There is only a 100% chance of the headband morphing if your character is a virgin female, afaik.

  6. I have something of an idea, if you'd like to hear.
    The Aeromancer. if you're fighting her in a room where there's pink gas, she should be able to use air to move the gas right in your face, forcing you to inhale it, even if you're standing.
    Just a thought, and it fits a bit with how the Aeromancer works.

  7. Or... fuck your holes with the gás...that... would be amazing... *-*

  8. I'm not sure if the Scrunchies work correctly. I have breast size C, but i keep getting the Cheerleader outfit, which is supposed to trigger from size E and up.
    I did spend points in the beginning limiting max breast size though. Does that change things?

  9. Found a bug (i think).
    Sat on the throne, and got the injection. after a few waits, i got the message for the semen wanting to come out. The expulsion happened (and i collected in a cup) but apparently it took so much time that the throne killed me by overfilling. When i got back there next round the cup was also gone. Not left on my "corpse."
    You might want to disable expulsion while sitting on the throne.

    1. I think there's a few issues with orifices. I had the same thing, and still able to expel with a plug in, or be taken by a monster with a plug in (with no indication it had been removed), but this was after the first bug-fix but before the 2nd. Might be fixed now.

  10. Please put a ★ or ☆ beside a stat when they've reached the natural maximum. I hate having to guess if something is already maximum and it just appears lower or high due to curses/blessings from a number of factors. I don't care if it's only a feature with high intelligence either.

    1. Shoot, that's right, inform doesn't accept symbols, a color then would be nice, or bolding/italicizing.

    2. Actually, can you even do anything besides plain text? Starting to realize I'm just over-estimating it entirely.

  11. How do you get the metal disc? Gladiators can't be defeated and getting the minotaur to kill them doesn't drop anything.

    1. Ehh? Gladiators die easily in 141117, they don't even fight back since they're constantly stuck in "satisfied" loop.

  12. Hairclip bug? It spawned, was deflowered, got a message saying it fell to the ground, but stayed there and kept spawning items.
