Monday 24 November 2014

My body currently seems to think I am allergic to oxygen

Planned schedule for fixing the urgent stuff and updating the bug fixes page has been pushed back as I get over a cold :(

Sorry y'all.  If some super cool dudes and sluts want to have a go compiling all the bugs they think are the most critical (ones that cause the game to crash  or ruin gameplay) into a list then that would help me prioritise without having to spend the first hour deciding what needs the most urgent attention.


  1. Health first! Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, get well soon.

  2. I guess I could see what I can do, but I'm not sure where all the bug reports are coming from. I'm pretty sure that the "bug reports" page is not the only place bugs get reported.

  3. Ug, that's no fun. I'm a week into fighting off the flu, so I can sympathize.
    If you are bored (or just feel like you need to make progress), you could update the wiki, which would probably serve to answer half the questions that have been posted.

  4. personal health should come first, and you never know, fevered dreams during recuperation may spark a moment of genius :D

  5. i am a disabled vet and i say get your health up first rest up i love the game and all but i rather have you healthy P.S. green tea will help alot

    1. I'm a healthy mechanical engineer, and I support this message.
      On the other hand, I suggest coffee. There is nothing that will help you get over a cold quicker, but caffeine will make you feel less miserable.

  6. Is this a coded message for a new sickness/infection fetish? But seriously get better aika!!! -love, a /d/eviant

  7. So what's going to happen to the wiki for Trap Quest with the whole "You agree to not use the Service to: k. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that Tangient LLC determines constitutes pornography or is otherwise of a similar adult nature." rule that they added in September? Since Corruption on Champions, Trials in Tainted Space, and Fall of Eden's Wikis are now off of Wikispaces due to Wikispaces being all about education now.

    1. Time to move somewhere else. Plenty of greener grass around.

  8. Lentiscus Argentatum26 November 2014 at 15:18

    Think about your health, we'll wait quietly that you'll feel better.
