Saturday 8 November 2014

Fertility Goddess

Another class, this one triggered by getting pregnant several times throughout the course of the game. The headgear is a laurel wreath, and the dress is either a Roman goddess style tunic or a slutty mother nature style set of ivy leaves and twigs depending on your state of mind at the time.

They both provide the same benefit: usually when your body tries to give birth but you are not in the same region as the father (and the father is still alive), you fall to your knees with painful contractions. This outfit will prevent those contractions from wasting a turn and making you fall to your knees.

They also affect your belly weight value, reducing it if uncursed and reducing it lots if blessed (this can not make your belly lighter than air). The tunic version of the outfit will often have the "of confidence" attribute, reducing your humiliation gains.


  1. I guess I know which class I'll be getting on my runs now...

  2. Oh wow. How many classes will there be in total?

    1. I don't think Aika is putting a cap or has a particular plan for how many will exist. He [for lack of an appropriate gender descriptor] probably plans on adding classes as thought of or donated for based purely on whether or not it will make the game more interesting or fun.

    2. Offer 25 dollars and an interesting idea, and there's a fair chance it will make its way into the game eventually.

  3. So step one, download update.
    Step two, get knocked up as often as possible as quickly as possible, check.

    Now just need step three, new release!

    wait....did that wrong, eh details.

  4. Can you please update the Current Requests page to show which are making it into the next release?

  5. How about adding some special Bodypart Extras? Like when you are up to normal maximum Hips and Ass-Size and get the Fertility Goddess Thing, you get another 1-3 extra juicy Hips and Ass sizes for you Broodmother Needs?

    Like when the normal Max for Hips and Ass size is 10, you get up to 13 Sizes for both when you get the Fertility Goddess Thing.

    Sounds great to me. Is that possible?

  6. I like idea less time wasted falling in contraction. I will be
    trying for this outfit/class. Kerenga thought of adding extra
    bodyshape when you fill up normal maximums and have on
    fertility goddess could be used as bonus or perk.
    a bonus/perk

  7. im just wondering if this class will work with the unholy cum dump panties.

    1. The roman tunic looks like an overdress, so I'm assuming the twig&vine leaves variation also is. Which leaves the panty slot unused, and no conflict with the unholy crotchless panties (or the living belt, for that matter...).
