Saturday 15 November 2014

Release 6 Version 1.0

Hi guys, here it is finally.  As mentioned before, if you want your experience of this massive update to be a smooth play-through, I would wait a few days for everyone else to encounter and report the game breaking bugs that quite probably still exist.  The game is way too large for me to test on my own so that's your job now. IF's default testing commands still work for everyone since I'm going to need to see some "showme" command outputs if I'm going to fix all the bugs.

Please report bugs on the new bugs and issues page.  Leave the comments section here for discussion on the game in general, balance, strategy, anything like that.  The download links are as usual on the download page.

I must thank all of you who visit this blog for your words of encouragement; you have kept my spirits up and motivated me to put as much time and effort as I have into the game.  I don't reply to all of you who comment on my blog but your comments are appreciated.  Also you guys on TFGamesSite are the best!  I also appreciate the discussions on /d/, even though you Anons can be so mean at times!

Most of all I have to thank those of you who have donated; even though I have a full time job now I'm at the bottom rung of the ladder, and also you guys helped me make it through to my first paycheck after having to pay rent and deposit up front, and then survive for over a month.  My partner is now going through the exact same thing and is moving into a new place in the very near future; she is in even a worse situation than me in terms of debt, and so your donations a currently going towards her food and travel for the next month until she gets her first paycheck.  In short, thank you guys for helping us to actually start our lives without having to take out an extortionate personal loan.  If any of you are super rich and like the new release, then please do consider donating to help us stay in the black (read: be less horribly in the red).

Donators version stuff: Right guys I've been investigating mailing list solutions but they all require me to give away my physical address and stuff which is not cool.  So until I work out what's going on I'm afraid this is how it's going to work: send an email to forwarding / copypasting our conversation or your paypal transaction ID (not the whole receipt which has personal details I shouldn't know) and I'll reply with the link as soon as possible.  That'll also then let me add your email address to the list of confirmed donators and then I can send out future versions to you automatically.  Sorry for the delay but you'll all get your donator's version I promise!

Love you all!



  1. "By pressing enter I acknowledge that I have read the above disclaimer and that I agree with its
    principles. I am of a legal age to consume adult material."
    When i press enter nothing happen.

    1. fixed with Windows Glulxe.

    2. What interpreter is struggling with the press to continue stuff?

    3. Gargoyle, for me. Same prob.

    4. Scratch that. It's very picky. You can ONLY press enter once the program starts. Don't press space or anything else. By pressing something else it locks you out.

    5. I'm working on making a version which skips all the press enter to continue moments, but it'll mean that you'll have trouble reading all the text in some parts.

    6. I'll be honest, I actually read through that stuff. However, I also have the feeling that I'm pretty much the exception to the rule. The only part that a "normal" person would be concerned about is the possible content one may encounter, which I'm pretty sure can be read elsewhere quite easily.

      For anyone who still can't find it: Try looking at the "Disclaimer" link on the side of this blog.

  2. Mean /d/eviant reporting in:

    I want to hold hands with you lovingly

    1. Stop. You are taking it too far.

    2. /d/eviant Mean in: reporting

      Hi I'm from the /d/ally /d/eviant,
      Can I quote you on that?

  3. Nothing is happening. I'm using Gargoyle cause I have a mac. Pressing enter does nothing to enter the program. It's just stuck.

    1. Try: Anonymous15 November 2014 08:47
      Scratch that. It's very picky. You can ONLY press enter once the program starts. Don't press space or anything else. By pressing something else it locks you out.

  4. Working perfectly, cept for one thing! Starting out as Nick with the fetishes lactation, proportions, TG, boobs, and probably something more which I can't remember, and the ass picture only shows a book!

    1. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but for me it shows a book whenever the image index is invalid. Something strange might have happened.

    2. This book thing happened to me too but it went away after having me ass/hips expanded a little by siting on the throne.

    3. also confirmed for book for an ass bug as a male character.

  5. "IF's default testing commands still work for everyone since I'm going to need to see some "showme" command outputs if I'm going to fix all the bugs."

    I didn't know that "undo" was not a default command. Either that, or you "accidentally" disabled it already. (Well, might not be accidentally)
    I thought I'd let you know just in case it was not intended that way.

  6. When speaking to the guard, I get the 'you haven't greeted me' message when questioning him, even after greeting him (repeatedly).

    1. Working as intended although I should change the content of what he says. He refuses to speak to you now if you're exposed or you have cum on your face / tits

  7. Why did you remove the undo command? Now you've just alienated all the people who care more about the porn than the game.

    1. You could open your heart and wallet and donate $10 and Aika will give you the donator version that has undo on it.

    2. I wasn't aware it was unique to the donator version, seems a weird thing to strip away from a text adventure. Since I'm nowhere near rich enough to spend money on a porn game, looks like I'll go without then.

    3. I'm not trying to be rude here, but this was "announced" months ago already. It was thoroughly "discussed" by a lot of people already.

      My take: Not having "undo" in the normal version gives incentive for more donations. More donations meant that aika didn't become homeless. Homeless aika has more important stuff to do than develop a (free!) pr0n game.

      Conclusion: While the additional content took it's sweet time, we do have a lot more content now and we also do have new content at all.

    4. Segregating actual gameplay is ridiculous though, especially a basic quality of life command like undo. Their are dozens of other potential donator incentives that don't strip something that is usually a default feature.

    5. You said it yourself: "Usually"
      This is not a "usual" game. It's a roguelike. At least there is no permadeath and you simply faint and get to start over with slightly worse "stats". "Undo" is only supposed to be there for testing purposes. It has been more than evident that people use it for other means as well (myself included).

    6. Until you donate you can use save/restore. Works decently enough for scumming the throne.

    7. Funnily enough you said it yourself a second time - undo is a quality of life command, not an essential. It's not as important as, well, anything. I'd forgotten we'd even had it for a long time.

  8. Working well so far. Though, the curses in the clothing that start in the wardrobe appear to be guaranteed now, rather than just more likely as they were before. I assume this is as intended.

    Also, and this is just my subjective view, the recipes seem to be too much, too quickly to deal with. I ended up with 5+ recipes on my first playthrough just from the first several rooms, all of which were required I collect several things I wasn't finding naturally. Since it was just such a huge list to mess with, I just didn't. It didn't seem worth trying, most especially since I knew if I fainted before completing something my inventory would be reset anyway making me start over. Furthermore, I knew from the blog that all the items had downsides so it just seemed like a lot of work for potentially very little gain. Not sure how to address this, and maybe its not something anyone else cares about. Just giving feedback.

    Thank for all the great work. We all appreciate it. This is easily one of the best user made projects one the web.

    1. There should be some items in the wardrobe that are not always cursed but I would need to double check the code.

      I have put recipe chance higher than it will be in the future just give people more of a chance to encounter all the new stuff.

    2. Why not save recipes in a "mental inventory" where they are stored when read? Then players wont have to manage them individually. Then you can use intelligence to determine the capacity of the memory inventory, having stupid characters carrying the recipies around, giving smart characters an advantage.

    3. Try "learn recipe" when there is a recipe in the room/your inv
      try "recipe" to see a list of memorized recipes.
      ("memorise" should also be recognized, i think)

  9. When I wait until deflation it pretty much always lets me descend to the ground then forces me to wait a further turn whilst on the ground. Doesn't really offer a valid explanation as to why, and almost always results in immediate rape.

  10. How exactly do you turn debug on? I've tried every variant of "debug" I can think of

    1. Debug mode is enabled by typing in "debug". That said, this version has debugging disabled. Debugging is disabled since R6. If you want to see what debug looks like, you'll have to try with a R5 file.

      "showme" doesn't need debug enabled to work. Check out the wiki to learn more about debug commands. I sound like I'm doing a sales pitch.

  11. How to use recipes?

    1. You read them

    2. Bless you my child.

    3. "Learn"ing them will memorize them. Then you can drop them

    4. memorize is good, and actually from previous post:

      To successfully create the item, go to the apothecary with the items required and use the craft verb. A player with low intelligence has a chance of accidentally and unknowingly creating a cursed version of the item.

  12. I've used the altar to uncurse a pair of heels of stumbling, then when I put them on immediately after they're cursed anyways.

    1. Also, don't know if this is intentional or not, but the altar always seems to be in the bottom rightmost of the map every time I start a game.

    2. Leather Corset always seems to be corset of confidence, and green elixer is always cursed, lots of static items carrying over games.

    3. 1) Many items become cursed when you wear them again even if they weren't. Works as intended.

      2) The altar can spawn much higher, but always with an exit to the north.

      3) Leather corsets and green cans can be anything. It's just RNG. There are some constants, but those aren't it.

    4. As the person before me stated, the Altar room has only one exit, no more, no less. That exit is always to the north. Thats why I always start with going south. Hoping to find the altar

  13. In the woods, almost all rooms have duplicated containers (not different ones, two of the same). So, example, when I look around, there's "a tree crate, a tree crate and a witch", and when I open one of the them, the other still remains closed, but impossible to open (if I try, the return is "but it isn't already open?")

    The picture of a book when you start a new game is intended? Or there's a problem with the default ass picture?

    Thanks for the update, great new content!

  14. >kick aeromance
    You kick the chanting aeromancer with your leather 3 inch wedge heels, trying to get the spike of your heel to do some real damage!
    The noun drops the ground, dead. She disappears, leaving behind her golden wand. Most of the wand slowly fades away, leaving only the tip, which curls up on itself into a vague donut shape before settling into the form of a bracelet.

    1. "Please report bugs on the new bugs and issues page. Leave the comments section here for discussion on the game in general, balance, strategy, anything like that." - Aika

      That way Aika can keep all the bug reports organized.

    2. Love it when nouns drop stuff, been that was since sesame street.

  15. Friendly reminder to update the 'current requests' page.

  16. i fail got nipple chain, even with flat chest option I got impressive line from gladiator.

    1. Same with c cup max size, anyone got nipple chain?

  17. Not sure if the commands for insertables are working or not? Found a Medium sized butt plug and tried "insert plug" which then asks me where I want to insert it. Tried "Me", "My ass", "Ass" and various other things I could think of only to receive "That cant contain things" is this just a case of my commands being incorrect?

    On other notes I'm loving all the new content and trying to gather materials for alchemy. Thanks for making and continuing to improve this game.

    1. One a sidenote is there any chance at getting craftable reagents to either not take inventory space or have a container we can find and put them in?

    2. Try the word "asshole" instead. Too finnicky, and definitely something aika needs to fix, but it does work.

    3. Try "use" instead. Its a more universal thing in the game.
      Ex. "Use plug with asshole"

      If its equip-able, you can use "wear"
      Ex. "wear plug"

    4. "insert medium into anus" will work for the medium plug.

  18. Has anybody already found the command to collect the "internally bodily mixed fluids" in order to craft the "unholy cum dumps's undergarment"? I was able to piss in a glas but how do you manage to collect these fluids?

    1. try collecting milk or piss inside a squirt dildo, and squirting it out in your butt once it contains semen

    2. Thanks for the quick help ! This was really fast :-)

    3. Can you tell me the exact commands? I can't manage it no mater how hard I try.

    4. I got (medium sized ?) eggs that I laid a moment ago (from the throne), just got filled by one of the guard, and I even have the recipe in my inventory.
      I'm at the 'Apothecary' room, and... nothing. Nothing at all is working.

      I'm trying all the words I can think of, some here for example : alchemy, craft, make, use, combine, mix, use x with y, etc...
      But, it KEEPS saying : ''You don't have any recipes you can craft right now.''

    5. I second this, I cant for the life of me figure out how top mix fluids (or get anything but a potion in a squirt dildo)

  19. Aika, is it too late to donate?

    1. She mentions in the blog that it isn't.

    2. I know i'm not Aika but... No, it isn't too late to donate.

  20. Kind of wish gaining weight in general was something you could turn off as it's extremely hard to loose weight. Good to see the demoness is still op as hell too.

    1. You can turn weight gain off in the fetish options, also, fighting is a sure-fire way to lose weight. (Loose is like loose fitting clothing, lose is as in loser, just a pet peeve of mine)

    2. Well, when i typed "loose" that was a typo and I meant lose. Also, My character still gains weight with weight gain fetish turned off.

    3. Yeah me too. I'm not sure if that is a bug or not.

  21. yay! Really looking forward to going for a "win" ... later. For now I'm diving into Nightmare Mode and seeing how much of the new stuff I can experience.

  22. The game got confused about the status of the inserted dildo. Even when I had 'dropped it', it still thought it was inserted (text about soreness due to it), and when i picked it up again later, it said it was already inserted, etc.

    1. also had this bug, was male at the time if that's relevant.

    2. I also had this while female.

      Also it would say "Your pussy is too tight for this dildo", and then it would slide out immediately because it was too loose =\.

  23. There seems to be an issue with ass images being displayed, not sure if its just me getting it or if everybody is getting it

    1. If you're referring to the game starting out with a image of a book instead of an ass then yes, it was mentioned by people earlier in the comments and in the bug report section of the blog.

  24. What exactly are the conditions to spawn the Fertility Goddess headgear? I did one runthrough getting pregnant a ton, using Elixirs of Life, the white panties, and fairies to get pregnant often and give birth often, but it never spawned on me even after I ran out of time.

    1. My guess is that you have to court the males to give birth to actual children, that's the only thing I havent tried yet

  25. Lentiscus Argentatum15 November 2014 at 16:23

    It finally arrived!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!
    My compliments for your new gemstone and thanks for all the efforts that you put in this game for our amusement.

    I hope the best for you and your partner, I know life can be hard and hope that your financial situation will get way better. I hope that really someone super rich will give you a huge donation.

    Now I am going to download and then to play. Thank you SO MUCH!!!! :-)

  26. Hey, love the game... computers fucked though, tryna figure out a way to play on my android phone... know you might be busy fixing new release bugs but i found a site that plays .gblorb (or whatever it is) files that are hosted elsewhere on the internet... tried pasting in the mega dl link. Didnt work. Dont understand that shiz at all... would it be possible at all to play your game through the site i found?

  27. Gotta say... I'm not all that impressed with this release. Found myself getting the "You are just too huge and have not enough dexterity to free yourself" crap. So, basically... I can't get that far before getting stuck in a dead end. Previous versions were 100% better than this one.

    1. Yeah, it is noticeably harder to escape from dildo traps.
      Maybe rebalance the check so strength helps too ?

    2. Absolutely. My character gains weight way too fast and even when I fight monters and all that she still puts weight on to the point that she's extra heavy in like 2 turns...

    3. You realise you can just not have the weight gain fetish turned on, right? It only adds negatives, there's nothing positive about it.

    4. There seems to be a bug with the weight gain fetish being on regardless of your choices.

  28. Aika, did you code the squeeze option for the squirt dildo and is it possible to collect fluids from chalice, mug, glass, etc. (seems to work only in tanks).
    I`m trying to find a way to mix and insert body fluids.
    I´m asking because I want to craft the unholy, crotchless panties.
    Could you please describe how to do it.

    1. Receive fluids in liquid retaining orifice, generally through some sort of penetration, then your character will spurt it out a bit later in an event, during which you can catch it in a container.

      Right now the functionality is a bit dodgey, so it might not be perfectly possible yet, but it will probably be working properly by the next patch.

    2. Yes, that´s what I`ve done. I collected the fluids after sex but I don´t find a way to mix them either outside or inside. Furthermore I´m not able to inject them again. You just cannot use the dildo on drinking vessels and squeeze it afterwards and I don´t find any other possibilty to mix fluids.

  29. fantastic ! so glad that people like You exist Aika ;-)

  30. The weight fetish has a problem with getting stuck on dildo traps resulting in only option of typing "wait" a bunch of times to get option of preserving through it with intelligence loss and recycle the run. Unfortunately, on next run when you hit the dildo trap the same problem yet again causing infinite loop resulting in poor gameplay. If your PC is too heavy the dildo trap needs the option to just break from the weight just by moving, because jumping is no longer option.

    Other bugs from game text (below separated by caps):
    > question shopkeeper
    “What’s your story?”

    The hulk-like shopkeeper ignores your question.

    > question shopkeeper
    Without even thinking, you find yourself blurting out “Wouldn’t it be fun, to like,
    treat me like a fucktoy?

    The hulk-like shopkeeper ignores your question.

    > question shopkeeper

    *** Run-time problem P10: Since yourself is not allowed the property
    “monster-type”, it is against the rules to try to use it.

    Without even thinking, you find yourself blurting out “Ooh, I’m a bad girl, punish

    You kick the grinning aeromancer with your cursed -1, leather 2 inch court heels,
    trying to get the spike of your heel to do some real damage!
    NEXT LINE: noun drops dead?????
    The noun drops the ground, dead. She disappears, leaving behind her golden wand.
    Most of the wand slowly fades away, leaving only the tip, which you can’t help but
    notice is shaped like a penis.

    > wait
    Time passes.

    The dildo keeps pressing on your sensitive spots inside your cherry.
    Your pussy is so sore that your mind can’t take it any more. You feel yourself start
    to pass out.
    Your mind is too weak and the feelings are too intense, and you fail to stay
    You once again wake up in the capsule. “Oh boy, soreness again? If this keeps being
    an issue for you, maybe you should take a closer look at the statues in the statue hall?
    You might find something useful.”

    The girl’s voice disappears and the buzzing starts to grow louder again. The all too
    familiar pink walls rush to surround you.

    *** Run-time problem P15: You can’t move nothing.

    1. "Please report bugs on the new bugs and issues page. Leave the comments section here for discussion on the game in general, balance, strategy, anything like that." - Aika

      That way Aika can keep all the bug reports organized.

  31. Will post 'em as I find 'em. First bug: wasps and aeromancers have no dialog, so attempting to speak with them will result in an empty reply.

    1. "Please report bugs on the new bugs and issues page. Leave the comments section here for discussion on the game in general, balance, strategy, anything like that." - Aika

      That way Aika can keep all the bug reports organized.

  32. Has anyone been able to get into the hotel yet? I'm not sure if I just need to check back later ingame, or if it's just not done yet.

  33. I'm just happy it's out, glad to see you're satisfied with it.

    mfw I check the blog and the release update is on there;
