Wednesday 1 October 2014

Condom of Kings

Some craftable items will not be liquids but legendary clothing and equipment. Of course you won't be able to obtain each one every game or even necessarily want to, but when you do find the recipe it will be up to you to decide if it's worth obtaining.

The Condom of Kings is created from a container full of another's semen (recall that the only way to currently capture this is during ass expulsion), a piece of pink rubber (a new sex doll drop) and a royal sigil (a new guard drop). Whilst worn it slowly increases penis size. The larger your penis already is, the lower chance and therefore longer average time until the next increase. Orgasming and ejaculating inside the condom curses it, so try to predict this and remove it beforehand. But once removed the condom is impossible to get back on and discarded. The cursed version slowly reduces your penis size. The blessed version increases your penis size slightly faster.


  1. Does ejaculating into a blessed condom make it cursed(i.e. does it skip the uncursed step.) Also, since getting stuff out of your orifice(s) is looking to be such an important game mechanic, will there be insertable condoms that you can use to catch bodily fluids automatically. If you're carrying around regular condoms, will you be able to "persuade" NPC's to help fill one up for you?

    Very excited for Alchemy!

    1. Yep it goes straight to cursed. And no to everything else; if I tried to code everyone's suggestions for more functionality we wouldn't get a release until 2016!

  2. Lots of new items. Just wondering, I've never been totally clear on carrying capacity. I figure it's based on strength, but are all items weighted equally (i.e your strength determines number of things to carry). Was there ever a place we can store excess items? Like the wardrobe etc?

    1. As far as I know, there is no such thing as item weight in the current version of the game. I think strength merely determines the >number< of items you can carry.

    2. Items stored in the pink wardrobe in general will stay there even between resets.

      And yeah all items take up equal space which is measured against your strength.

    3. They probably meant items like lubricant, or containers, which don't stay in the wardrobe between resets(iirc)

  3. Does the condom fill indefinitely when used?

    1. Yeah the game doesn't currently keep track of the amount of cum inside the condom, as it doesn't impact on anything.
