Wednesday 1 October 2014

Tincture of strength

Spoiler warning: you may find it more fun to discover / try and work out what alchemy items do as and when you craft them. I know I would. If so I suggest not reading the blog posts for the next couple of weeks.

Tinctures are small vials full of a powerful concoction that will give you a massive bonus for 10-15 turns.

The tincture of strength is created from a potion of might and a mechanical joint (a new mannequin drop). Whilst active it gives you a massive superhuman strength boost (boss battle anyone?), but when the time runs out, all that extra strength turns into body size increase & weight gain. The cursed version reduces the duration of the strength gain to just a couple of rounds. The blessed version lasts a few rounds longer.


  1. Wow, I love the idea of negative aftereffects. Makes it seem more like drugs rather than magic potions. Any intention of implementing an addiction system? (I know I'm carrying things far, I'm just curious)

    1. No that would be way too complicated! The only thing the player can get addicted to is semen.

  2. Did not even think of potion side-effects being a thing. Can't wait to try it out.

  3. Wait, we can get taller? Or do you mean hips/ass width

  4. Can you call them side-effects if I plan to take the potion just for them ? :)
    Great concept, this update is going to be extremely enjoyable.

  5. Now that's what I call a trade-off. Drink a potion in order to defeat the dreaded minotaur! Take too long or screw up, and you'll be too big to stand up.
