Wednesday 8 October 2014

Potion of the Womb

This potion requires a pink liquid and pink hair to create. It interacts with pregnancy in some interesting ways. If you are not pregnant, it makes you pregnant. If you are pregnant, it pauses the growth of the pregnancy. If you have a paused pregnancy, it is unpaused. This could be ideal if you manage to pause a pregnancy in the early stages; faeries would still protect you and the weight wouldn't be a big deal. But a pregnancy paused at full term could get you stuck with a giant belly.

And yes, there may be a monster soon who forces you to drink one of these potions as a possible attack.


  1. Useful, but evil with the monster attacks. I love it. And also awesome for people who like being pregnant but not giving birth.

  2. what if you get forced to drink one when youre still a dude?

    1. Good point I forgot to mention that. It shrinks your penis obviously :p

  3. If you have a paused pregnancy when you faint, are you still pregnant when you wake up, or is it reset?

    1. Pregnancy itself resets on fainting. I don't think getting pregnant and starting off in the "paused" state would make much sense.

      In short, I think it's only logical that the "paused/unpaused" state gets reset to an "unpaused" default value when fainting.

    2. Oooo I hope it stays....

    3. Actually it would make sense if it makes you pregnant in your real life body, since you start off as what your actually body looks like. Maybe the potion can do that.

    4. Pregnancy would still fully reset with fainting

  4. How will this affect the player is they are inflated with something? If you're full of sponge and pregnant, does the belly still shrink if you expel all the liquid?

    1. Well yeah if you're inflated beyond your pregnancy size you'll go back down to that size.

  5. man, with all these posts for release 6 its getting harder to wait for it

  6. Hmmm rare Pregnator Dolls anyone? Losing to a inflatable filled with that stuff would be bad no matter the condition your in :p
